Erm, instead of trying to guess my gender, just put “Dear <first name>” and leave it at that. It’s actually quite insulting

  • 1
    Hey <username>, I really like this <post-type> and want to give you my <rating>!
  • 1
    They seem really confident that all their female recipients are married, as well. I thought at first it was maybe some wedding/honeymoon related thing but I guess it's just an email client?
  • 0
    @HollowKitty yeah, it’s an email client which I apparently signed up to a newsletter, how I did that I can’t even remember.
  • 5
    How is this insulting?
  • 0
    Also, since this seems to be a European company, calling someone by their first name without permission is considered very impolite by some stupid people. At least in Germany. And these are the kind of people sueing you for turning your car in their parking lot. Not only that, GDPR doesn't allow to store gender or marital status just for marketing reasons. At least thats my interpretation.
  • 0
    @sboesch So why not leave off that line completely? Emails don't need to have a "Dear mr/mrs" bit.

    Also why are you allowed to store name but not gender, that doesn't make a lot of sense.
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    @HollowKitty because name is relevant to contact someone, but gender or marital status isn't. But why make a fuss about this in the first place... Ok, honestly I can imagine why some people are offended by this, but I don't think non-dev related politics belong here.
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    @sboesch Software gore is definitely on topic. Nothing to do with politics.
  • 1
    Also assumes you're not a doctor, professor, nobility, military etc
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    Just accept that there are only males and females and stop looking for things to be sad about
  • 0
    Do you feel more comfortable when you never gave them information about yourself and they just magically know your gender and occupation
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    @K-ASS Usually they do ask, collecting the fields they intend to use and then using those fields instead of tossing out a random-ass guess. You wouldn't find it weird if someone randomly addressed a letter to you as "Reverend Kiss-Ass"? (I'm assuming that's what the K stands for :P)
  • 0
    @HollowKitty nah, my name, if you read it out, is ks, which is a moba game term means you are taking the kill that shouldn’t belong to you
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