More beer and more music. Who needs more in life? 😌

Maybe I don't understand myself. But I understand that I'm happy. And that's what counts

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    @RantSomeWhere 10 craft beer is more to my liking
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    @RantSomeWhere A good whiskey is nice but I don't like things that get you drunk too fast. When I'm lonely it's straight beer
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    You sound like Spotify Premium ad that interrupts my Coldplay Discography eargasm every 15 minutes...
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    @netikras Sorry lol. That's what the student discount is for. Lets me cry without interruption. Now that's a deal
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    @12bitfloat deal is good IF you're a student.

    Shit. Now I want that ice cream with that swirling chocolate glaze that is supposedly looking at me...

    See what you have done? Happy now?
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    @netikras Happy people normally don't wish to be caressed by ice cream :) :(
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    @12bitfloat oh right, you have premium.. You prolly have no idea what the ice cream reference means 😁
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    @netikras I actually don't lol
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    More hard drugs like meth brother
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    @netikras take a family account, for 15€/month you got 6 active licenses, so 2,50€/month if you split the bill with some friends, not that much 😁
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    More Mead and more bacon please..
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    Camping is fine too.

    Bring a few people with tits along.


    Cook bacon over the fire.

    Now you have yourself about as close to heaven as your gonna get.

    Just gotta have good weather to complete the package.
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    @Wisecrack If I could bring a few people along, let alone ones with tits, I wouldn't be needing beer in the first place
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    Tits but no beer?

    Thats like being a blind man stuck in a titty bar.
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    @Wisecrack lol. Anyway I'm drinking again. Prost
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