I heard that "options are options" so - maybe we should have even more options. What do you think?

  • 30
  • 21
    Friggin' dunce. 🙄
  • 16
    @sheriffderek You like a blowjob here and there? Cool, let's strap you to a 2000 litres per minute industrial milking machine and see your delight.
  • 8
    you forgot "js is too hard/i am a goddamn fucking moron".

    good post btw
  • 4
    This was satisfying
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop Yikes! That sounds terrible! But I guess it's over the top.
  • 10
    I forgot to add "convert image to low res" as a post type.
  • 7
    Need one for those that complain about windows all the time.

    And then one for Windows update rants..
  • 5
    Honestly worth a regular repost.

    I'll add mine

    "Complaining about things I didn't take the time to comprehend."

    I do it all the time.

    "Genitalia jokes tenuously related to tech."

    And another favorite.

    "Complaining about Javascript."

    Really needs it's own category. /s

    Also if we had a low-res button we could have a good time with reposted memes that gradually decay, slowly eaten by jpeg compression with each iteration until they look like nothing..nothing at all.
  • 8
    <insert obligatory "you posted in the wrong category" comment>
  • 5
    I think you've been for too long on devRant 😄
  • 2
  • 3
    I really wanted you to have posted this in joke/meme just for the lols
  • 3
    I don't see the "complain against JavaScript" category
  • 0
    @heyheni is that a long time? (I don't visit very often... ; )
  • 0
    @crisz I think that it's so prevalent - that it just goes in 'general complaining' hahaha.... I'll add one for a future post. Can you get more specific? Are they Java developers complaining about JS or ?
  • 0
    @retnikt - That was my plan... but - I wasn't sure if it would get filtered out from 'serious' reader feeds.
  • 3
    @sheriffderek You see some clueless noob complaining about JS and floats every month - when the actual root cause is that he has no idea what float is and how it works, independently of the language.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop - that's a good one. I'll have to think up a name for that. "Learning to program on Quora" or something... haha. Seems like they get a lot of that. Just never-ending - anti-learning stuff. "Programmer who doesn't know what a function is or how to read that thing that describes how it works."
  • 1
    @MrCSharp - I guess I also need a "check out my stock windows screensaver desk shot with too many monitors" too.
  • 1



    Are my top two complaints.

    Babel because I'm not smart enough to comprehend it. Clearly this is javascripts fault.

    And everything-js-itis because there should be only one. So says our lord and master, Guido.
  • 6
    @ewpratten haha that would be pretty good
  • 3
    Is that what devRant became while I was gone?
  • 2
    @ewpratten @dfox - maybe just a list of really really positive stuff for April fools. haha. "Thank a manager" and "Gush about a cooworker" "Thank your team for the last meeting" hahaha
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