apple sucks
iOS sucks
Xcode sucks
Cocoapods suck
iphones suck

can this company and OS please please die already

  • 7
    and they will die, seriously what healthy company releases a 1000$ monitor stand...
  • 6
    @dakkarant the same one that removes the headphone jack to sell you a headphone jack adapter 😛
  • 4
    @dakkarant one with a mkt capital of 1T? i highly doubt it.

    i think their os for both their mobile and actual desktopp/laptop os is on point, but do agree that x code and cocoapods are shit.

    as a developer i would say, apple has brought me nothing but joy
  • 4
    Hate to break it to you, but Apple will outlive you
  • 6
    @Plasticnova i have it under good authority that Apple will probably outlive our solar system
  • 5
    1 trillion dollar company, going into the banking / finance sector.
    They will outlive money.
  • 5
    @groxx That reminds me of that scene in Bakemonogatari where 2 characters play with the idea that you can make anything sound positive by prepending "the courage to" before an action:
    - The courage to tell a lie
    - The courage to betray your comrades
    - The courage to do nothing
    - The courage to remove any device connectivity that your can't make money off of 😁
  • 4
    Big company can die. Does someone here remembered Blackberry?
  • 5
    @volttide Sears, AOL, Yahoo, RadioShack.
    Basically all companies that thought their past success meant they didn't need to compete or evolve.

    Sounds familiar to me.
  • 0
    Funny. IMHO Apple is providing the best developer experience. As long as you are using apple stuff: xcode. Xamarin is a nightmare.

    I've done many different dev things and I've got a lot to compare to.

  • 0
    Btw, don't use cocoapods. It is being replaced by Swift Package Manager now.
  • 3
    @sodaTab Yeah it only takes one major mistake to die.

    Enron was worth 70 billion, WorldCom was 100 billion. Lehman Brothers, long thought to be absolutely immortal, was worth 700 billion. They didn't outlive the solar system, they didn't outlive me.

    As a Linux nerd and poweruser I personally dislike Apple. But Apple does a lot of things right for a lot of consumers. For most of my family, macOS and iOS are the most pleasant to use out of all available options.

    However, Apple is also not on super solid ground. They are pretty conservative these days, and not taking risks can be a risk.

    Apple is running behind the market in Machine Learning. They are pretty silent on Augmented Reality. They don't have invested much in cloud services. No quantum computing, rocket launch subsidiaries, or other moonshots.

    I know that's all hype stuff, but one of the hypes could become a major cash cow for a competitor.

    In 2045, a trillion might be an "affordable price" for a takeover.
  • 0
    Any company that had every reason to call a product airbuds but went nonsensically with the name airpods has lost their mojo and it's all downhill from there.
  • 2
    linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    Yeah great dev experience.., super helpfull error message
  • 1
    how does updating an IDE completely break the stuff you are working on, what fucking retards work on apple's software.

    If you work for apple, please quit, your career is a fucking sham, please quit the world of programming
  • 1
    @dakkarant It's your choice to develop for their platform though...
  • 1
    @bittersweet it's the choice of the company I work for, because sadly our target audience (influencers) mainly use iphones...
  • 2
    Maybe you should take your own advice and quit
  • 0
    @dakkarant Yeah the devs working for Apple would say the same 😄

    Company I work for also maintains two iOS apps which are critical to our business -- I just stay far away from those apps, and only do database design & backend stuff (Go, PHP, Rust & Python).
  • 0
    Just use Visual Studio Code to edit files, and use Xcode to run and debug and test.
  • 0
    @Xi-Ha666 yeah. Brilliant idea. Have fun with that.
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