Considering that Markdown exists and Readme files are rendered by default in GitLab, Github, and so on

Why devs insist on documenting stuff on Confluence?

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    What is confluence?
  • 5
    Because they are also using Jira to track change requests with a broader team whom may or may not have access to the codebase.
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    @Codex404 lucky you don't know
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    @C0D4 ehhr we do use Jira, but the ones we are documenting (and the stuff we are documenting) is only required by our team - and all of us have access to Confluence. I don't agree in that reason for this case.
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    @Codex404 now, more seriously https://atlassian.com/software/...

    it's like a WordPress for documentation, but annoyingly slow
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    @elvieeejo speaking from personal experience, each company seems to do it differently.
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    @elvieeejo ah, we do use Jira. Never heard of confluence.
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    @elvieeejo I think the term you search for is "wiki".


    In combination with Jira, it works quite well - especially for a project not purely out of code and for non-dev customers (e.g. reference tickets<->wiki pages, customers, etc.). As the hole company uses it, nobody needs to teach the HR markdown.
    Downsides are the high prize of Jira/Confluence, the slow speed and the many security vulnerabilities that have to be patched.
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    @sbiewald I agree with you, even with the downsides (I hate how slow it is)

    it's strange when its used by technical people for technical stuff, for example, commands for a deploy or setup.
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    @elvieeejo I guess the intention is to not have documentation at two different places?
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    @sbiewald could be, but I usually prefer to have docs close to where should be used it, at least for technical ones. Like, tech.commands for setting up a repo or deploying it, being the docs in the repo
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    considering that notepad exists, why do people insist on using word?
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