
Why WordPress is not very good:
I wrote a quick 230 line python script that uses the power of urllib, ebooklib and 12 regular expressions that would make any italian proud to download webnovels from virlyce.com and turn them into .epub files for me.
The chapters are all individual WordPress pages, and after sequentially downloading only 202 of them I got an internal server error.
Why, WordPress?

Of course, I saw this coming and put mitmproxy to good use caching everything, so even though my python script with terrible error handling crashed I don't have to do it all again (yay)

  • 0
    Nice use of a mitm proxy!
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    That’s not what WordPress is even for. What are you trying to do?
  • 3
    @stackodev No one ever said the purpose of WordPress was to download text and create ebooks. But if the author publishes their text on a WordPress page, I shall do my best to extract it
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    @Conrad Then it’s nothing to do whatsoever with WordPress being bad. Just that someone used it for a purpose other than what it was intended for. Or maybe they wanted their book as Creative Commons in which case you’re trying to look like a badass but really you’re just accepting what has been freely given to you.
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