How are your exercise routines like?

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    dub club everything.
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    What javascrpt framework is that?
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    I used to do a 5 day split:
    - legs
    - chest
    - back
    - shoulders
    - arms

    I cut out shoulders and put it into Arm day and it made it more manageable. Now I'm on a 3 day split:

    - Push
    - Pull
    - Other (stuff i didnt get to because i have a fixed time in the gym + abs)

    Im really liking the push/pull split because it forces you to work minor muscle groups in conjunction, and i can hog a squat rack for a while.
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    mv /usr/lib/exercise.so /dev/null
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    Powerlifting / Starting Strength Hybrid under the guidance of a coach
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    I stretch my fingers after pushing my recent changes.
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    I have a sit to stand desk. The handle to crank it up to stand position needs to be dusted again.
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    @ezpz :P mine is motorized :D
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    Yoga in the morning, in the afternoon I will go the the gym and devout about 30 mins for cardio(or as long as it takes me to cover 3 miles at a steady pace, sometimes long cuz I don't like hauling ass on treadmills)

    then switch weight lifting between the major sets. I try and target everything and don't really worry as much concerning leg day since my legs are pretty muscular already.

    All in all I don't really care much about the gym, ain't trying to build up cuz I know i don't have the discipline to keep it, but i diet like a mfker and really like running
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    For me, I join the classes at the gym of which I am a member of.

    Some classes include:
    - Dancing
    - Martial Arts

    At the times when time doesn't allow me to go for the classes, I usually do a 10-min warm up on the treadmill then either 20 min on the cross-trainer (or elliptical) and some strength and core training.
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    @AleCx04 any good resources for getting started with yoga?
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    @arcsector i ain't gonna lie man,I saw ddp yoga and went with it. Feels pretty good. Always wanted to try a Studio and learn from there but i wouldn't get shit from it.
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