
i have skills...

  • 5
    Fake news.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet look at that, fake news got you 60k++;
  • 1
    I got money, skills and patience. What should I use?
  • 2
    nah I'll vjus use whatever I want
  • 1
    @hack Use the money. No need to waste your time on computers at this point.
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    @Ranchu I've hit 60k like 4 different times now lmao. Every time I get over 60k ig someone deletes their account and the total goes down

    But thanks ✊🏻
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    Linux as server : OK. A bit complex to configure, run. But once it is setuped up, it just works (Provided you NEVER EVER EVER EVER update any packages, because that’s what breaks it)
    Linux as everyday machine : Hell no. Too much hassle, not stable, everything bugs, recompile kernel to make WiFi work, no thanks.

    Windows as a server : Easy to configure, works. May break at any moment due to automatic update (Like linux basically but with GUI)
    Windows as everyday machibe : Just works. (Since win 10 I never saw a blue screen on any PC at home or at work). New device ? 90% chances it will just work.
    Mac as a server : Does it really exists ? If yes, LOL, just use Linux.
    Max as everyday machine : The best, most stable OS, but I hate it, so I’ll never have a mac. (Too closed. Can’t do shit, way less than even windows
  • 1
    @NoToJavaScript interesting.. How do you manage to break linux by updating packages? 😁 I kbow it used to be a thing 7-something years ago, but nowdays.,.?

    Btw I've been running linux on all my devices [pc, lappies, rpis] for 10 years now. Stable, easy to use, does exactly what I ask to, no undef behavior. Only a few crashes/freezes due to video driver issues [reported all of them, only one left to be fixed], peripherals just work, a true PnP.

    I guess we've had very different experiences... I don't know what would have to happen so I'd install windows on either of my devices :) should be a life-threatening situation I guess..
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    Lol what kind of patience does windows require? If I have a problem I can hit Google and have a fix in five minutes. How much time did you spend browsing man pages, checking user permissions and recompiling shit the last time you had a Linux issue?
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    @ArcaneEye but but but muh Linux reeeeeeeee

    It's getting retarded honestly lmao
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    @NoToJavaScript my OnePlus 5 bluescreens windows if I try to do network sharing through USB - security violation something something. Guess that's what you get for buying Chinese stuff. That and dataleaks.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil lucky you :) I wish I had better experience with windowsills
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    If you believe in science: redox
    If you believe in God: templeOS
    Otherwise: 9front
  • 1
    @Ubbe fun fact if you take Linus' lil dick out your mouth you'd realize you can support something or like it without being a fanboy. But I guess if I had my head that far up my own ass if be too retarded to know that like you.

    Carry on with the Autistic screeching though, I'll see myself out.
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    @Ubbe lol I use both daily, I just find it retarded how against others using whatever they want you nix nazis are.

    But hey can't fix stupid, ya know?
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    @Stuxnet lmao this other dude keeps calling Windows users fanboys......yet continuously attacks others because they are not using his preferred OS. I always wonder what happens to some people to make them reach such levels of denseness.

    "No sensible reason for using Windows" give me a break.
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    @AleCx04 but but but it's Windows fault I fucked something up!!!!! That why's winblows sucks!!!
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    @Ubbe he just said fake news, not the one that starter calling users of a system idiots just like that.....that was, well, you. It's an OS man, he makes fun of the people that treat them as if they were religions.
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