
What's your opinion on Deno the new javascript / typescript / Webasembly runtime from the same guy who invented node.js ? Do you think it will be replacing node? Do you gonna try it?


  • 2
    Seems cool at very first sight, I mean, good idea I guess. Lemme read.
  • 7
    If it’s the same guy who invented nodejs,hard pass.
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  • 5
    As a replacement for Node, it might be tempting, especially since it still uses v8 unser the hood, ships as single executable and has more security built in. Native typescript support is nice, but not needed...

    However, the ecosystem currently is centered around browser and node. Since the new runtime isn't just a drop in replacement, with additional enhancement, it will probably have a hard time...
  • 5
    I'll try it later maybe. In a couple of years when its more mature. I'm thrilled to see if it lasts until then
  • 5
    If it's performant and doesn't require an extra build step to run TypeScript, then it sounds pretty nice. Also, being "deny first" when it comes to permissions is nice. Would I use it? Is at least give it a real world try if it had proper community backing. So let's hope for that
  • 2
    Nah, I'll stay with C#
  • 4
    Read it.
    Sounds like...

    _Node JS 2: The Reedeming_

    I'm a bit puzzled by some features but what I've seen so far seems very good.
    Just imagine if this becomes the standard and Node turns into a flavour.
  • 1
    pretty much what this section says

    looks promising
  • 1
    Wad meme is this?
  • 3
    @karma if you dare to listen to Ryan Dahls horrible presentation skills you may be enlightened too? 😄

    🎥Ryan Dahl - Deno, a new way to JavaScript
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    Everything I learn about JS, I learn against my will.
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    the module resolution sounds cool
  • 3

    what is the advantage of using urls for packages instead of of a package manager npm? seems to me like more work/inconvenience to search each package url by hand and copy paste into your code?
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    I remember watching a talk by the guy who created nodejs about that he regretted so I'm interested to see his new approach and what he's changed with the new tech that's come out since. Especially with me being interested in Rust and it having a base in Rust.
  • 5
    @heyheni the advantage is a more distributed eco system, which will make sure 90% of build fails because some random dependency isn't reachable... :P
  • 2
    My Tokio Car already has Rust in its V8, no thanks.
  • 1
    @heyheni Maybe some time we'll have npm.com?deno={packageNameHere} so.
  • 1
    @PonySlaystation Best joke I've read so far. Best part is that it may not be a joke.
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    @heyheni npm still resolves to urls just removes the need for a package file i guess :shrug:
  • 1
    @Wack npm is also distributed. By default only one repo is enabled, but you can add your company their repo and install custom packages used by your company.
  • 2
    update for version 1: shit is awesome.
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