I love my suicide attempts.

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    Um. What?
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    @JohnScott @Root Have you never tried to eat a full spoon of cocoa powder, without milk or water, or are you just shocked that he did or thinks about doing it?

    Alternatively he could have found a forgotten spoon hidden in the powder, but that hardly constitutes as Suizide if you don't try to empty it into your mouth directly.
    That alone would qualify as attempted Suizide.
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    @p100sch I've heard of people eating cinnamon before. I was having a hard time figuring out what chocolate powder has to do with "sudo halt -ing" one's own life. Like chocolate and death are not generally associated with each other.
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    @p100sch Ahhh i remember this trend, the original used cinamon powder didnt it? at least it is less lethal than those pods...
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    @Gregozor2121 Yes, that's correct.
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    @JohnScott While cinnamon had the added bonus of making you vomit and tasting terrible, it is just as easy to accidentally inhale that stuff.

    It makes your mouth dry almost instantly without making all of it wet and if you try to swallow it the same happens with your throat. If you inhale after swallowing, the rest of the dry powder gets inhaled.

    All in all a lot of coughing and chocolate sticking to your throat.
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    @p100sch Some people landed in the hospital with lung problems...
    Apparently lungs dont like forein objects in them 🤔...

    So just dont be a idiot and you are going to be fine. If not, well... natural selection is always there...
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    @M1sf3t Kids are getting high on air because everything else is not trendy anymore.
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    Kinda. Good job everyone.
    So when I feel bad I hide and eat spoonfuls of chocolate powder, knowing it isn't the best for one's health even if I find it delicious.
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    @p100sch and here I was just a young wee lad thinking it was cool to snort this stuff called ahoj Brause with my friends.

    Cons: it's hurts and dries out everything in there, oh yeah and it's foaming a little, breathing hurt
    Pro: your nose will be free no matter what.

    1/10 would not recommend.
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    @fuckwit German candy?
    Mother of god
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    Also, ah yes, the live'nt powder
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    @fuckwit 😂😂😂
    I used to snort that shit, eat glue and eat chocolate powder dry as a kid.

    I wonder why I'm still alive tbh
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    Cinnamon challenge, go
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