Yayy! It's already -15kg since November! W/o any workouts!!

Now I'm at the point where I'm no longer losing weight and don't get whether the fat is still burning and muscles are evening the weight or my clothes simply keep stretching out. Or I'm just seeing what I want to see

anyhow I know I wouldn't have this problem if I were one of the construction workers currently working outside my office :/ office work sounds nice but it's still got its cons. Like being tied down to a chair rather than moving all the time :/

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    To make you folks even more jelly, I'm still enjoying candies, chips and chocolate in the evenings 😁 now that's something that could have a headline "this simple trick will make you lose 15kg in 3 months without a drop of sweat!" w/o any lies in it 😁
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    Hoooow ?!
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    @qqdenz staying still and overthinking
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    Can't wait to eventually get fat due to age and then lose the weight, people seem so happy about doing so. So far I just won't put on weight, no matter what I do. Aged 31, 1.84m, 72 kg
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    @qqdenz Simple. Do what makes you happy! Do something so interesting that the time flies by w/o you even noticing.

    I was doing some final touches on my apartment renovation for 2 days or so. It so happens that I missed a few meals. And that was the start.

    Our bodies are curious mechanisms. Stomach, bladder, other soft cavital organs having muscular walls are very flexible. They expand as they are being filled and the more stuffed they are - the more reflexes are triggered (need to pee if it's your bladder, feeling full if it's your stomach, etc.).
    And they shrink if they are empty for a few days. And they shrink for good. Meaning it would be uncomrfotable for you to stretch them back to what they were.

    And that's what happened. My stomach shrank. And on top of it I started skipping my suppers.

    As a comparison I used to have a full lunch before: soup, 2nd meal, a can of coke. Now I am not able to finish the 2nd meal alone :) It's just too much.

    And that's my success story!
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    @netikras woah let me try that , wish me luck !
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    @qqdenz good luck!

    I suggest starting with some very involving activities that would make you forget to eat. Otherwise the start might be uncomfortable and even torturing to some extent.

    Oh, and one more thing. 5-10 minutes before eating [breakfast/lunch/snacks/...] drink a glass of water. It'll stretch your stomach a bit imitating food. As a result you will be less hungry and you will eat less.

    Oh, and don't get stuffed full as you're used to :)

    sometimes I even do 'discharge days' when I don't eat at all - only drink water or tea. It's not as difficult and uncomfortable as it sounds 😁 just don't do it right away. A few weeks after the start maybe.

    Btw do not expect immediate weight loss. My 1st kilo dropped maybe a week after the start or even more.. Then I went into 0.7kg/day loss mode. And then it slowed down again. Now it's stalled

    Oh, and I do sometimes experience diziness. That's normal as I'm lowering my body mass. These episides should go away once I reach my goal and normalize my rations to the steady mode [a little more and different foods]. It should be summer by then so more nutritious foods and more physical activity will help too :)
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    @netikras "Do what makes you happy"

    What if FOODS make me happy
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    @Coffe2Code well then go and cook some! :p
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    @netikras haha,
    Actually I enjoy only the eating part
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    Beer and cheese doodles make me happy 😢
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    Sounds like you're losing weight but not in a healthy way. I'd suggest to cut out (or strictly limit) junk food instead - esp. all drinks with sugars or sweeteners, plus sweet or fried food. Less high GI food, good fats instead of bad ones.
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    @saucyatom tried that already. Very little to none difference to what I'm doing now.

    In what way do you see this unhealthy?
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    @netikras Skipping the proper food and mostly eating candy certainly is, although I don't have a lot of information on what you eat and how much, so that might not really be what you're doing.

    I have lost a lot of weight myself in an unhealthy way, so I'd advise people to take a healthy and sustainable path. The most important steps of which I have outlined in the other comment.
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    @saucyatom I am not mostly eating candy :) Only sometimes.

    I'm having a sandwitch for breakfast, a bowl of soup for dinner and another bowl of soup or smth else home-made for the supper now. And crunching a few pieces of chocolate or some potato chips while watching Netflix at night.
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    @netikras Alright, then don't mind me ;)
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    I just started losing weight and I'm looking for motivation here
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    I have already lost 7 kg in 3 months. I am so happy! I will keep trying and I want to look great by summer
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