Humans, I have a quick question:

Does anyone still uses tables in html?

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    For tables
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    Why would you not use tables?
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    For positioning
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    @IntrusionCM I mean, since you can use divs and css. Isn't it better?
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    @Axel1011111 what if I have tabular data?
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    I'm working on an old chimera from back when asp.net forms was a thing. Yes, tables are very much a thing.
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    @Axel1011111 <table>s are for making tables. If you're making a table, use a <table>. Using non-semantic markup is both confusing and overcomplicating it.
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    @Root Thanks.

    In my head the non political answer was: You can fuck with a dildo ... But it doesn't make as much fun.

    Thx for explaining properly.
  • 5
    Yes. For tabular data
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    I agree with the others but standard html tables have a lot of downsides. I fucking hate them. The only problem with recreating them from scratch is semantic correctness. Screenreaders for example, wont be able to read them, except you add a lot of mumbo jumbo.
    So it's entirely dependant on the situation at hand. I would use tables for small datasets, that are only being displayed. If you add functionality to them, like editable fields, go the custom route. Just don't forget to add aria attributes though.
  • 1
    Most of the time this discussion goes on....

    <...> Enumeration of possible wird's

    Why use tables, not div's?
    Because you want to represent a table....

    But tables are hard and <positioning, aligning, ...> isn't working.
    Yes, because you are throwing every form of <positioning, aligning...> in a mixer and expect it to work inside... Maybe think about it and plan it...

    Div's are so much better than tables. And responsive!
    Representing a large chunk of data in a table isn't responsive per se. You'd need to either reduce the data and completely transform the table to fit the page - which is unreadable. Or just leave it, which would be best, and let it scroll.

    And so on... I had this discussion too many times...
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    @alexbrooklyn then I guess my way would've been pretty painful
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    For data sets, use tables.
    Use css / markup correctly and they'll work on anything at any screen size.

    To many columns, make them scrollable.

    To many rows, load in parts and pagination data as you scroll down.

    Using them for layouts... we aren't working with IE6 anymore so don't be that dickhead.
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    @ArcaneEye At a previous employer, we ripped those out of our old asp.net application and replaced them with bootstrap.
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    I was using table for positioning till last week but then I got to know about grid and flex display types..
  • 3
    @12bitfloat @IntrusionCM @Root

    I had heard that table was deprecated since HTML 4, but you three prompted me to research further and it must have been a miscommunication because it's only deprecated for layouts. So thank you for inadvertently teaching me something
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    @AlgoRythm Yeah. Table for solving layout issues is pretty bad. Like @COD4 Said: The brain damaged IE support isn't necessary anymore...
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    @IntrusionCM IE 11 actually supports a limited version of flex, which is ...nice?
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm half true.

    IE 10 has flexbox tweener, IE 11 not I think...


    Says ton of bugs...

    Edit: Just Support Edge, Case closed. :)
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM my last job used IE and didn't allow Edge

    And yeah that's why I said a limited flex. It will kinda work but the layout rules aren't consistent with Chrome and Firefox.
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    That sounds awful. I know the feeling though; been at plenty of companies that set software policies based on legacy lowest common denominator.
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    @AlgoRythm edge? I have FireFox semi blocked as it doesn't appreciate the corporate proxy being a MITM with self signed certificates.

    Apparently someone wasn't aware FF doesn't use the Windows certificate store by default.
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    @C0D4 they disallowed Edge because people would confuse it with IE, which many of our (well, not mine anymore) archaic programs still require.

    They still allowed chrome and FF.
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    In newer FF Version (68? Not sure) group management policies can be used to configure Windows Key Store / Certificate Management

    Found Link:


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    Yeah, why not? gonna invent another one?
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    @C0D4 Yo' why didn't I think of scrolling columns? How pathetic I am. Thanks, I have a huge table display at work and it's pretty ugly, and I'm working on it this week.
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    Loud and proud, brother! I use dat shit raw, boy! No border collapsin' n shiet, no fancy padding, none of them sortin' n searchin' and pagimanation, breh! Old skool rulez, baby! Peace.

    Always scroll sideways. Amen.
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