"I want it looking and working exactly the same in IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, Chrome, Safari and Mobile...."

Oh wait, that happened...

  • 5
    You forgot Firefox, Opera and the year being 2008
  • 12
    *removes css and shows a webapge with no styling*
  • 4
    @ilikeglue also removes JS to be sure about IE.

    And it still might look different since every browser has its own basic style
  • 0
    plaintext html incoming
  • 4
    @ilikeglue *minimalist aesthetic*
  • 2
    Nananananananana, nananananananana, quirks mooooode, quirks moooode! Just kidding.

    What else? Polyfillllll. :D
  • 1
    @vorticalbox when did that happen?
    It was its own useless blinking thing last time I ever used.
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