Comment the language which you hate the most..

Me: Java; figuring out the reasons

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    You... don't know why you hate Java? Isn't that a just a little bit weird? Why hate it then?
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    JavaScript, not because of the language, but because it can be used with 15 different module loaders, 3 preprocessors, 20 different frameworks, and i feel like most of the time it isn't even compatible. I like the idea of javascript, but because it didnt start out with a good ecosystem, people just build a fucking weird one.
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    @RememberMe Java is my favourite language, and i also can't remember why i like her.
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    VB, vanilla JS, some of php, Angular, Ember, React, and other bunch of stuff I want to forget their existence. (I don't like frontend, ok?)
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    @frogstair people stunned because they don't the problem, you faced. Things are which annoy you, might pleasure for others.
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    @arvinds shunned*
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    Hinglish. But that's more of a pidgin than a language.

    Oh, programming languages. Probably VB, but I don't tend to hate languages.
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    @SortOfTested May I introduce you to Salesforce Apex? 😂
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    That's not a language, that's a space station 😝

    Definitely a shit show, but I kind of exclude that because it's a DSL, doesn't do anything outside of its target "application."
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    @SortOfTested Yeah, I agree. Such a shame as well, I'm sure there's loads of other folks who'd love to work with a proprietary locked-down convoluted bastardisation of Java circa 2004... 😂
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    @AlmondSauce it's... well it keeps me employed so 🤷‍♂️

    Nothing like being forced to maintain governance in a platform that punishes the shit out of you for trying to customise it though, I do like a challenge, so that probably my fault I enjoy the brutality it adds to the relationship.
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    @C0D4 Heh, I get it. I like a challenge, but when it feels so arbitrarily restrictive it does hack me off somewhat. I initially wondered whether I'd move my development career in that direction, but very much done the opposite - back to traditional backend for me.
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    Probably c. It such a useful language but I came from java and there are just so many differences between languages.
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    @N0t3 They're all different. Surprise!
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    @N0t3 That's a weird reason to hate a language. C is actually not *that* different syntactically in the grand scheme of things - Java is considered a C-style language.

    Have a look at something like Haskell if you want something that's *completely* different!
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    I dont hate any language, i hate the tech stack behind them. Php and c#.
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    @AlmondSauce or Lisp 😁
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    C/C++, as i can't both abstract away manual ram I/O access and also require it at the same time
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    @devbf that's a trash emulator, not a programming language.
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    @Nanos Buy some tree seeds and seed bomb the area.
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    JavaScript... I love JavaScript
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    JS and everything related to JS
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    - Properties are functions that behave as variables.
    - Garbage collector..
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    @RememberMe pointers are just dropped from ram, shit just doesn't work and it takes 300 lines or more to do shit other langs take 1 to do.
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    @Parzi "pointers are dropped from ram" eh? Dunno what device you're talking about but all you need to get it to do is compute a memory address and issue a load/store instruction to that address.

    Doesn't "*ptr = value;" get the job done? If you have wonky ram or virtual memory system (as many embedded/older devices do) you can have a function that computes said ptr and then deref it and store your value inside it.
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    @RememberMe no but like, "*ptr = value;" sometimes works and sometimes segfaults even if I have it do nothing but spin because the pointer's just dropped. Even without paged RAM or anything, just straight, proper, expected conditions...
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    @Parzi Are you sure some other thread somewhere isn't freeing that memory or page?
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    @RememberMe unless Windows has a massive global UaF, no. If that's literally all it does, is make a pointer than spin in a loop that does nothing but reference that pointer, it'll eventually just drop the pointer.
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    @Nanos If people are actively preventing things from getting better, use them as topsoil. Problem solved.
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    @Parzi Share repro code?
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    They're a language level formalization of the accessor/mutator pattern. Just like a dozen other language.
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    @Root When I get the time, sure.
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    C++ of course
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