
Made my own time system. Can you guess what's happening here? Solution in comment

  • 5
    I'm not sure, but I dont really think 24 hour time or sexagesimal numbering is a new thing 🤔
  • 13
    So you just went counterclockwise and added 12-24h marks? That's it?
  • 11
    Actually this is a 24 hour countdown clock. Left numbers are for PM and right numbers are for AM.
    For example: I'll perceive 8:30PM as 3 hours and 30 minutes left until the end of the day.
    Purpose: I personally value time more when feel like I'm losing it. Looking at this clock alarms me to complete pending works.
    I got this idea after installing the app 'Time Until'. It's a simple countdown app.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested @endor @frogstair I didn't realised you would reply that fast. Hehe
  • 2
    You're being a hipster and basically using a clock counter-clockwise?
  • 0
    @nitnip nice guess! Did you read the purpose I commented above?
  • 1

    edit: oh, didn't see you've answered already
  • 4
    @Jilano love the hidden insult
  • 4
    @Scriptero not the first time happening to me with this username..
  • 2
    Cool idea
  • 6
    Nice cock bro
  • 10
    Technically this is a machine relating to time. So some @retard finally made a time machine.
  • 4
    This is just mirrored.
  • 4
    That's just a bavarian clock
  • 6
    Autism. It's autism that happens here.
  • 3
    “My own time system” is a bit strong for this crap.
  • 1
    Looks awesome and stressful, imma have to try to make one for myself
  • 2
    @nitwhiz well it is @retard we're talking about
  • 0
    @neriald but it is what it is
  • 0
    The world is already complicated enough, there's no need to complicate it further.
  • 0
    I would have used hexa decimals to fuck with others , but your clock your number
  • 0
    I have an issue with losing time. I hate the feeling. You made the perfect nightmare clock for me
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