
As part of a technical test, I've been asked to test and report bugs in the production application of the company. Is that normal? Or are they making me do free work for them?.
So far I've only seen challenges like this to be done on a custom application for test.

  • 5
    Looks like free work. I would ask for money on that activity, which they will probably decline. In that case, avoid that company. You wouldn't get hired anyway.
  • 2
    The cheeky buggers! Pretty sure you don't work for free. Steer clear of those cheapskates.
  • 2
    I agree with @Fast-Nop seems like free work, which I'd strongly recommend against
  • 3
    Well in case you find some XSS or RCE you can legally have fun with it and fuck up the database or spam all their customers with whatever XSS you come up with :D

    And then end the interview with:
    - Naah, I don't think I want to to work here -- your database is broken and customers are being spammed by random people...
  • 2
    @netikras that is brilliant 😆
  • 2
    Ha ha...
    I've been given a login to their system and I was asked not to use the chat with customer care option as it creates more work for them.
  • 2
    @BlueSky find a way to create a login for a bot and get it to interact with customer care.
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