Visual Studio is a fucking shitheap of an IDE and everyone who worked on it should be fucking incinerated.

I've been trying to get Unity to build my game for about a fucking hour and a half now, only to realize that it was a warning from a script that was causing it to fall flat on it's face.
So I deleted the script because it was a shitty script anyways, not much was being lost here, and I started building the game, and lo and behold, it was actually fucking doing something.
I went to go get a drink, only to come back to see that this stupid fucking engine gave me yet ANOTHER error that wasn't even from a script anywhere in my game's files.
It was fucking Visual Studio. It didn't even give me that concise of a fucking error, just "this file doesn't exist" or whatever hypercomplex bullshit it spat out at me.
So, I took to google, and found that I should open the solution file hidden within the uncompleted build, and upon doing so Visual Studio told me it needed to install some more shit in order to do so.
I decided to let it do it's thing, and you wanna know what the real kicker is?
I started writing this rant when it was at 25%.
I had started talking to my friend about how absolutely fucking garbage and slow this IDE is at around the point where it started downloading. It took fifteen fucking minutes for it to get to 25%.
I could uninstall and reinstall both Destiny 2 and Killing Floor 2, twice, in the time takes for this shitty fucking program to install its tumor of an update onto my system.
FUCK Visual Studio.
Fuck the person who conceived the idea of it.
And fuck every single person who supports it.
Every single person that thinks this fucking anathema of an IDE was a good idea should be incinerated.

  • 6
    I have been using some form of the visual studio IDE since spring 1990 and while I have had some issues with it from time to time, it has still bern one if the best I have used.

    In this case its more likely the problem is due to how unity integrates with it, but I cannot be sure from your description.

    Regarding compilation speed it has nothing to do with VS as its not VS that compiles but the c# compiler, which usually is very fast.

    So 25% in 15 minutes sounds like you either have a gigantic project, like millions of lines of code, or some problem out side of the compiler.

    What are these scripts you mention?
  • 1
    VS 6.0 was awesome.

    Fuck I'm old.
  • 0
    @zlot man I missed Visual Studio Express versions. One cd enough for one language. Is the microsoft archives still keeping them?
  • 0
    @zlot no your not ;).

    My first look at it was before visual studio was its own product, when it was just the IDE for visual basic, and it was even before visual basic the was official name, it had just an internal project name within microsoft, where I was as an Intern a few months before it was released :)

    And I’m not old, so you cannot be either :P

    Just more experienced.
  • 0
    how much do you guys get paid by Microsoft?
  • 1
    Wait, you're making (presumably a game) in unity, but you can't understand the stack output and the IDE is bad because a download was slow?

    If you can't exercise patience, how on earth do you expect to make a game?
  • 1
    i've been doing unity+vs dev for the past 5+ years and this rant kind of doesn't make much sense to me...
  • 0
    @antisocialite like all the "genius" clients does, with potential stock.
  • 1
    man feel free to use notepad++ for unity, no one is forcing you to use vs
  • 0
    @Midnight-shcode to me neither. Unity always took time to compile, as i remember. The IDE has nothing to do with it.
  • 0
    would you like to run your last successful build?
  • 0
    @energy-vampire that always seemed silly to me. it's like:
    "Your answer to the question is incorrect. Would you like to use the answer from your last correctly answered question instead?"

    No, dummy, because it answers a different question!
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