
I keep jumping between unfinished personal projects and then i get busy with the job, when I try to go back to them, I lose interest! Any advice?

  • 8
    I have this same problem a lot and I think a lot of devs in general do. One mistake I've made in the past is diving into a single project too quickly and tiring myself out of it. So now I try to have a few projects and work on them equally to try not to get bored of any of them.

    Most important though I think - try to really figure out what your MVP is (minimum viable product) so you have the best chance possible to finish a usable version of the product and get it out there. That's rewarding.
  • 4
    Rmrfer brings up a great point, make sure to come up with a good mvp, don't overthink and allow scope creep. If mvp can be completed as a bite-sized chunk, then you'll have more determination to keep working on the idea compared to spending months on something that never reaches the prototype phase.
  • 4
    Also a simple checklist of tasks will help you complete each project. Doesn't have to be a fancy project plan. Break it down into steps you can complete each day. Checking them off will give you a sense of accomplishment. Works for me.
  • 3
    welcome to the club. lol
  • 2
    Thanks - hn side projects is a great read.
  • 1
    publish your mvp and get people using it. if you've got users you will ashamed if you don't update it
  • 0
    Collaborate with someone else on github. As soon as you see the other person committing changes you'll want to keep working on the project
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