
No internet... no problem...

  • 9
    Maybe there were books with StackOverflow answers back then.
  • 2
    I sincerly hope, that specs written today do not contain the word "should".
    The robustness principle wich is the base of the Internet ("Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others") also is the root cause for most serious security bugs stemming from different protocol handler implementations.

    The Internet did indeed made my life much easier though.
    I remember the time where you had to sift through collections of printed sheets made from cellulose fibres to get the information needed for writing applications. We called them "book" back then.
    There even where buildings dedicated to selling or lending books. As books where a meterial thing, there often where multiple books containing the same information in shelves. That way, multiple persons could benefit from that information at the same time.
    But you had to physically go there and literally take the book back to your workplace to be able to use it near your computer.
  • 4
    There always was something called "documentation". I know it's scary but it's very useful.
  • 0
    @10Dev He didn't invent the internet though, he invented the concept of a browser which can display plaintext documents which link to each other.

    The first version of HTML was just plaintext and anchors to other documents. HTML 2 then introduced paragraphs, headers, lists, horizontal rows, form elements, and images.

    Not to say Tim Berners Lee wasn't a smart guy, but his contributions were more evolutionary steps forward to meet requirements at that moment, connecting text documents hosted on servers together.

    The internet already existed, BBS systems already existed, Usenet already existed -- and as it was inhabited almost exclusively by tech people, so all of it functioned pretty similar to StackOverflow, including petty arguments and flame wars.

    In my opinion, Tim Berners Lee's brilliant moment was inventing the hyperlink -- but that doesn't sound as catchy as "inventor of the internet"
  • 4
    Well isn't the internet just a bunch of computers connected through another computers? I miss the old times where web pages were static and social media wasn't a thing yet.
  • 1

    You're Goddamn right
  • 2
    yes, but that was also at a time when every computer came with a copy of "user's manual" which was basically a complete programming guide/reference for said computer and all its features.
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