

I need more/new/better friends. πŸ˜”

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    This may not be dev, but it certainly affects my output as a dev.
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    @Jilano she's too busy for my chitchats πŸ˜›
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    I feel you. I was in your position earlier this year. I'd suggest to try going out more but in this covid situation that's not a good idea and everything's closed anyway.

    If you want someone to chat with I'm here :)
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    @Jilano hahahaha. She's ok. Let her live her life. πŸ˜›

    He, on the other hand... I don't think he can tolerate me outside of a professional setting tbh πŸ€”
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    @neeno do tell me your discord tag 😁
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    @Alice AAAAAAAAA! IS THAT REALLY ALICE??? AAAAAAAA!!! πŸ’“πŸ’žπŸ’•β£οΈπŸ’–
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    @Alice girrrrrrl. You're the best ❀️❀️❀️
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    I have a few close, good friends and I'm glad having them.
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    @catholic-emacs you showing off?
    I have those too, but they're busy getting married and having kids and focusing on careers. I'm happy for them, but also means I don't get to spend as much time with them.
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    @NoMad I also fear that too, tbh.
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    @neeno sent invite ☺️
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    `new Friend("Rodrigo")`
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    @rodrigograca31 need a discord tag ☺️
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    @WildPotato πŸ€” elaborate.
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    @WildPotato I can make a wild guess that you're not past 20 years of age. How wrong am I?
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    @WildPotato I'm practically right then πŸ˜›
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    I can be a friend o.o
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    I likewise need friends.

    More than that, I need to make time for friends. Both children and carrying rest of the household eats all of my time.
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    If you ever need embedded or just plain electronics. Hmu!
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    @JFK422 nice!
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    @NoMad he can tolerate most, he's a bit on the insane side, so it takes a lot to get him to not like you.

    😯Hi @Alice, we missed you.
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    Amateurs and their pizza.

    @NoMad you can keep the pizza, I'm bringing Bundy, Jack and Bailey with a couple of shot glasses, might as well enjoy the food fight.
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    I can be a friend :D
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    @idkwhattobuy what's your discord tag? πŸ™ƒ
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    @C0D4 @rutee07 @Frederick @Jilano


    **eats all the food by herself**
    **then drinks all the alcohol C0D4 brought**
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    Whoever wants to be friends, just write your discord tags!
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    @Jilano no more food for you young lady!!!
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    I need some, too
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    If someone feels the need to stalk me, so be it.

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    @Frederick there's a reason I keep the curtains open 😏
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    I'm really out of time since some months and lost contact with a lot of ppl, I'll use this as an excuse: Lyniven#8465
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    Make me your friend...!
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    @Lyniven newsflash: we're already friends 😜
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    Again, bother to jot down your discord tags if you want to be added by folks here.
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    @Frederick you wish. I'm waaaaay too moody to start a cult. And busy. And lazy.
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    @Frederick but cult people don't do philosophical discussions. That's a no for me.
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    @Root come shoot pew pews and get drunk with me then πŸ€”πŸ˜‚
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    @Jilano ok hang on. Gotta take a deep breath for this one.

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    @Jilano @Stuxnet I'm not getting it.
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    @NoMad He's Autistically screech I bc you took his food, but I'm the guy that does the Autistic screeching around these parts lmao

    It started as me mocking some of the people here who's rants were basically just them screeching and then having zero ability to back up their fucking stupid claims. And now we're here lol
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    ^^ Y'all are insane! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    It's fun!
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    @NoMad We've (especially the voices in my head) have known that for a while lol
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    @Lyniven Can I be your friend too!?
    (Even though you like Python.....πŸπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ)
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    @rodrigograca31 why not. And I don't *like* python, I had to work with it
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