
The original story:
"When I've got my very first android I was downloading any shit from Play Store. There was app called pattern security or something like that. The app was taking selfies everytime power button was pressed several times and then photo would sent to email. One day I left my old phone at home and at the office this is the photo i've received."

  • 65
    Hello. Yes, this is dog.
  • 5
    let me get this right, so your dog manage to press the power button several times? how?
  • 8
    That's a very very cute dog 😍
  • 0
    Actually phone was fucked up...
  • 3
    I think your dog tried to hack you
  • 5
    @nachocode hackerdawg!! 😍😂
  • 2
    He's just checking out that thing you spend all that time staring at when you could be giving him attention ha ha
  • 3
    "Damn, I like this angle"
  • 1
  • 2
  • 1
    Plot twist: that's not his dog!
  • 0
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