Algorithm - When a programmer doesn't wanna explain what he did.

he/she* for all the ladies out there ;-)

  • 4
    Just use "they" as a placeholder.
  • 2
    English should have more words for the plural of he/she

    Multiple males - hem
    Multiple females - shem
    Mix of males and females - hshem
  • 0
    @electrineer Arabic does that. No one bothers to learn Arabic as their second language because of all such rules 😛
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    @electrineer Lithuanian does that too, except we don't have the hshem. But we do have hem and shem
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    Glad to see we’re at least an afterthought.
  • 4
    Rather than have any gender related pronouns I think we should just use "fucker" and "fuckers".
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    @molaram He, she, it das S muss mit!
  • 2
    Languages like Finish only has one word for all genders: "hän" and in Swedish there is both "han" (him) & "hon" (her) but a couple of years ago the word "hen" was added, English really needs to catch up, cause come on "they", really? It's just not a very elegant solution... And also another interesting thing about Finish is that using "it" (in Finish "se") is perfectly acceptable and extremely common when speaking about a person, which sounds very strange for someone like me who kind of knows Finish but my native language is Swedish where you can not call a person "den" ("it").
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    @pythondev I thought ze was a gender neutral pronoun in english.
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    @Demolishun I have not heard "ze" before, I think it works pretty well. I've tried to come up with alternatives to "they" before but I could never think of anything.
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    @pythondev THAT'S IT! I'M MOVING TO FINLAND!!!

    Seriously tho, how hard is Finnish as a language? How much irregularities do they have?
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    @NoMad you don't have to learn Finish to live in Finland, most people here speak perfectly acceptable English. Your other option is to learn Swedish, it's an official language of Finland. It has more similarities to English (like most European languages), while Finish is part of a very small language family. I'm of course not a good judge since I speak Swedish natively, but I think it's easier than Finish (at least the pronunciation is).
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