Apparently Russia is getting in on the "English title and description, foreign language audio" clickbait.

You would think the YouTube team would realize they could use their auto-captioning AI to solve this problem and detect when it happens 🤔

  • 5
    You know that users can translate titles of videos?
    When I'm on my work PC all videos by Tom Scott have Dutch titles (except the newest one). At home they are in English (the same language as the video)

    Ive dislike this for a long time, and assume it is what you are talking about?
  • 0
    Titled and full description in english, audio is another language. In this case it's just pure gaming of the system so it ends up hitting a broader audience for more clicks.

    Until recently it was almost exclusively Indian videos, but now it seems others have realized this game. Google needs a content language filter.

    Ex: https://youtu.be/ZlM5a3iuuwk
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  • 6
    Youtube translates some video titles into your native language automaticly.
    I hate it, especially with those horrible from english translated titles in german. And there is no setting for that. It's an annoying issue on my Nvidia shield tv and Apple TV.
  • 1
    @heyheni I really hate that it does that. But more annoying is that it automatically turns on German subtitles on some videos on mobile. Mainly videos from Tom Scott.
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    @heyheni it's User translated. Community members can do that and the channel manager can approve it.
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    @fuckwit @Codex404
    That feels when the attack vector is still the attack vector. The solution still holds, no one is going to want to see audio they don't understand.
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    @SortOfTested I agree with you, but when it has subtitles I don't see what the issue is?
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    The subtitles are always in the native language. It's captioning, specifically
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    What I hate even more is websites that have different versions for different countries (online stores especially) and when you choose your country you can't use the website in English anymore! Maybe I want to use your stupid website in English, plus most countries have MULTIPLE (often official) languages, not just the most popular one!
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    Meanwhile indian youtubers with hindi audio
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    Already did a post on that shitheeltry ;)
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