Anyone else put in headphones with absolutely no intention of listening to anything, just to make people less likely to bother you?

  • 6
    I find it has the exact opposite effect.
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    more often then I would like to admit
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    Having misophonia, nothing seems to help. Especially in an office.
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    I put them on because even if I dont listen to music the outside sound is kinda muffled, which helps :p
  • 2
    It's better to use your phone microphone. If you are listening to music, you can be bothered. If you are on the phone or in a teleconference, you can't.
  • 3
    A few times I made believe I was in a phone conversation - with myself.
  • 0
    I am with you!
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    @joaonunes I do this quite a bit, sometimes I'll go 3-4 hours of wearing them with no music and then realize I haven't had music playing. Also I inadvertently discovered that it was a good eavesdropping tool...
  • 3
    And when they walk up to my desk I point at a random part of my screen and say without raising my eyes "oooh kinda in the middle of something urgent here, buddy"
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    I keep them on to reduce the chances of a co worker who is a PM from asking me questions
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    I always put on my headphone when my boss around. It's better than listening to some bullshit.
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    sometimes hahaha.
  • 2
    Did, but now there is a no head phone policy. looking cor new job!
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    @tccooper01 no headphones? I think that's the definition of facism!
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