What I do when I sit down to work:
Get a cup of coffee or tea,
Sit down open up some music; rock if I'm feeling okay or slow jazz if I'm feeling anxious,
Open my text editor (Atom, I love it so much),
Open git desktop,
Look at what was my last commit,
Remember where I left off,
Look blankly at code for a few minutes,
Then I pull up phone and start writing stupid shit like this on devrant.

  • 8
    I very often struggle to get in the Dev zone first thing because people keep asking me dumb shit. I know your pain (oddly auto correct wanted parents not pain, I though that would have been weird to write)
  • 5
    Same. "I'll work today.... aaaaand it's gone, another day wasted on devrant"
  • 2
    @SweetHuman not actually wasted(i love devrant), but u knoe what i mean
  • 3
    Sit down for work;
    Read 15 emails that piled up in inbox 15 minutes before arriving at work;
    Spend an hour or two explaining the status of every project I'm working on to the project manager, in terms they have no hope of understanding, and guesstimating when i think i will finish items that we have not received necessary data/requirements for yet;
    Rest of day spent scrambling to get enough work done to feel productive.
  • 1
    Git desktop? Why???
  • 1
    @Nifled i personally enjoy git desktop. Why not?
  • 3
    @philcr you sound like my team lead he would get so frustrated because people kept interrupting him so he bought noise canceling headphones and now he does all the work since he finishes his tickets so fast and I'm looking for a new job because I am not being challenged.
  • 2
    @rrishi but dumb shit I mean people forgetting passwords, unable to junk /unjunk emails.

    I manage the it infrastructure where I work,
  • 2
    I am so out of here. Well, not here. But to quote the song, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
  • 1
    @SweetHuman L O L

    Talking and reassuring yourself xD
  • 1
    @Etrunon it's gonna be OK
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