'Nobody told me that the database was part of the backend'

  • 34
    "We just sell status codes sir."
  • 3
    Oh dear XD
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    It's like.. No one knew.. Nobody had ever heard of it.
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    @webketje how can she know that? Too low level.
  • 7
    Wait a minute.... I had a fullstack Js Dev (node/react project) say this recently.

    "What do you mean I have to handle the infrastructure as well?"
  • 10
    If you call yourself full stack developer , you have to deal with "full stack". It's in the name.
  • 4
    @mr-user yeah you better fking know how to make your own cpu. Always those discount "full stack" devs today
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    Expecting full stack developer to make their own CPU is little out of hand.

    I call myself full stack developer but I don't know how to make my own CPU. I guess I should stop calling myself full stack developer.
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    @fuckwit That sounds more like an overflowstack dev 😂. Stepping over the electronics boundary going overboard lol.
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    @C0D4 "I don't think fullstack means what you think it means"
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    When I meet a self proclaimed full stack developer, I usually have low expectations. Most of the times I'm right. It turns out to be a full "of crap" stack developer.
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    What were you expecting in backend development ???
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    Morning sunshine
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    Well I somewhat understand the confusion. Frontend is on the client, thats it. Backend is so vast it could include: apis, templating, db, cache, server mgmt, containers, search engines, Git software maintenance etc etc. Backend is usually split over many more roles while frontend only 1 or 2.
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    @webketje yeah, but we're taking about a PM
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    @webketje erm rly 1 or 2 roles? Ux, ui, frontend dev, testers, qa?
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    wasn't "database" "A cLoUd"?

    @linuxxx does the term "complete stack developer" exist? 😄
    It is basically when you know of and develop for every kind of platform and can maintain infrastructure as well.
    Maybe recruiters will see this and update all their spam mail templates. 😅
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    @PonySlaystation fucking tell me WHY are you demanding MY MONEY to run servers while you can just store everything in cloud? Stupid kids these days
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    @uyouthe It'S sErVeRLeSs So It'S fReE
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    @zemaitis Testers and QA are not front-end, they are QA.
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    @hitzoR they test frontend boi
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    @zemaitis Well, they do, but they are not part of the frontend team. And they can also write unit tests, integration tests, stress tests etc, and those are all backend focused tests. QA is an entity on its own, independent of frontend and backend
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    @hitzoR Fine. Frontend is still bigger than 1 or 2 roles.
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    It’s not. DB is the backends backend. Scratch that.
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