

Don't call yourself "Senior Software Developer", if you write shitty code, and have less experience with the technology stack than the other team members!

  • 5
    Maybe it's a warning that they have a few 'senior moments' when they code 🤔
  • 3
    Job title pretty quickly become silly.
  • 3
    don't even get me started with self-promoted, brainless, title-abusive, wannabe-senior imbeciles who think they know better than the guy who's been maintaining or platform for years and is also still just a senior. Even worse when they negotiate their titlee/salariy during the hiring process and somehow manage to convince HR and the interviewing team about their fake skills, and now you have to deal with their incompetence.
  • 1
    Sadly this happens everywhere, in every position. I've seen incompetent people somehow bs their way to become HR manager, Sales manager, Engineering manager, etc.
    And you think the big boss will one day realize their incompetency and fire them? No, they keep getting better at bs-ing and the big boss still buys it.
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    Well HR Manager ... that's kinda given ...
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    Regarding title, I always refer to myself as a software engineer. Senior software engineer or principle software engineer are meaningless titles to me. The only place where such titles matter is in my working contract, which affects my payroll.
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    @N00bPancakes maybe I'm too biased, but I have absolutely never ever met a nice HR manager in my life. All HR managers I know try to be friendly with us, but in fact they could backstab us any time.
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    Why it's important to remember your grammar.

    Senior, software developer.
  • 1
    80/20 rule also applies in software development.
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    @Avimelekh seniors are 80 and juniors 20?
  • 2
    In one garbage company where nobody knows shit you can easily be a senior, get addicted to it but later change the job and end up in another company where junior positions require more knowledge and experience than you, the “senior”, have.

    Junior, middle, senior – all of it is just the arbitrary garbage. There are no standards. It means nothing.
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    @hjk101 i dont think it really matter whats in the job title
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