Client called the office in an angry voice complaining about how he could nog see the data in the latest generated excel sheets. Calmy tryimg to figure out what could be the problem. Asked him to send over the file so I could check it. Works perfect on my end. Ask him to open the file again on his computer and tell me what he is seeing. Error message, empty excel file. He starts to me discribing a directory full of files and folders. 15 minutes later I finally figuren out what it is.

The guy had set winzip as default program for excel files. Hoe do these people work behind a PC Evert day. Are they like I hope this magic box with screen and buttond does everything right today.

  • 7
    Just when I thought I heard it all.
  • 0
    No edit function? Or am I blind. I see some off the words have been autocorrected back to Dutch :p
  • 8
    What process of events must occur for a person to set WinZip as a default program for excel? 😂 too funny
  • 4
    What gets me is the first thing they do is get on the phone/email to you with fuck all in the way of detail except that it's your fault and you need to fix it. Followed by no apology when they realise they are the wankers.
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