
Just bought a green foldable bicycle. 😊 Trying to learn how to master biking straight then will learn how to turn.

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    I haven't dared to fold it yet though.
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    @rutee07 I am an endangered species, good luck finding me :p
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    @rutee07 thanks! The bell came with it free. I'll try to be careful :)
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    @iamai Bicycle looks dope.
    This reminds me of my school days. One of the best days.
    Also, had few possible accident events with people driving car and motorcycle, but avoided major accidents.
    Those people always use to shout at us, because we used to drive recklessly. 😂
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    @scorpionk thanks! I'm waiting for some accessories - seat padding cover, wheel LED lights then looking around for a front basket bag. The accessories hunting feels much more fun compared to the riding 😂 but likely because I don't know how to ride properly yet
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    @iamai you will learn to ride. It's pretty simple. You will fell from bicycle few times and then you will ride like professional rider 😛
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    Bicycle now, scooter tomorrow!
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    I actually found it quite cute reading this as dutchie who learned to bike at around the age of 4. The bike, when riding it, is pretty much an extension of my body by now!

    Enjoy and keep in mind that falling will be involved but that's how you progress :)
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    @linuxxx Same! I learned at 5 or 6.
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    I would like to kindly excuse myself from age sharing 😂
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    @linuxxx @Root learning to ride a bike was a mandatory subject in elementary school for me. Happend around the 3rd or 4th class. So around age 8.

    Not sure when I started cycling though.
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    @fuckwit Ahh! I did take a mandatory biking 'exam' but about literally anyone learns biking at a very young age here so yeah 😄
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    Hard to believe the saddle is at a good height in that photo. Maybe for legs as tiny as mine were back when I started.

    I have a visual memory of when I first rode with no training wheels, age 4—6. But I have no memory of riding with the wheels.
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    @fuckwit @linuxxx which country has a class to ride a bicycle? Is that like part of national school curriculum

    @electrineer it's a bike with 20 inch wheels so it's small. it's cheap too, just about $100
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    @iamai you can still get a longer seat post if you need one. The bike is designed so that you can lower it so that it doesn't take more space folded.
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    @electrineer I'll keep that in mind. For now it does work somehow because I still stop a lot of times so my foot touches the ground often. So far, luckily no falling yet.
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    @iamai I'm from the Netherlands!
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    @linuxxx @iamai @fuckwit we also have that bicycle class thing in Germany btw, ~3rd class, ~age 8
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    @dder @iamai yep I'm also from Germany.
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    Ohh I miss riding bicycles. Learned very early probably at 5 or 6. Reminds me of my rebellious teenage years when I would dream of running away on my bike but I always worried I would starve so I never left. My dad now has an electric/manual bicycle which no-one uses. I would love to ride now but as a woman, it wouldnt be so safe to be seen out on a bicycle alone constantly 😔
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    @witchDev Just bring a (touch/stabby) taser and pepper spray with you? Both, since someone can take one away from you but not both, and either is enough to defend yourself, especially if they’re grabbing for one of them. (Or carry a nice concealable pistol if that’s a thing where you live.)

    I’ve developed a no-bullshit, don’t-bother-me attitude in recent years, especially with how scary Vegas has gotten, and this is what works for me.
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    @Root I have been thinking of ordering those long teasers from amazon. I could taze a bitch from a distance before breaking into a run or speed off on the bike. Don't even want to give them the opportunity to come close to me. Great advice thank you. I really miss going out for walks alone. (last time I was out, some guys hit me with their van and said it was an accident but all my spider senses were going off so I quickly told them I was fine and walked back home without taking the offer to take me home).
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    @witchDev Be wary of long range tasers that shoot prongs. They’re single-use. So be sure not to miss, and hope there’s only one guy.
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    @witchDev that van story is scary. I didn't really think about safety concerns. Come to think of it I haven't even bought a helmet! What's scarier in our country is most of our roads don't have dedicated bike lanes so this bike will just be mostly for use to pickup deliveries at nearby junctions because door to door delivery in our area is not possible due to the community safety measures implemented by our local government officials.
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    @Root tasers and pepper spray, did you ever get to use any?
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    @iamai it sucks that as women we always have to think of safety first.
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    @iamai Never needed to. I do my best to avoid trouble, but it’s silly to not be prepared.

    But sometimes it’s difficult to avoid, like when one of my previous job decided to move their office to some really cheap office in a crime ridden area of the inner city here in Vegas. I was terrified to walk to my car every night. ... and often wondered if it would even still be there.
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    @witchDev sounds like it sucks to live where you do. Where I live, it's safe for all genders to go outside any time of day.
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