Anyone has heard of "Google foobar challenges"?

I found out that it's a secret process of hiring developers and programmers all over the world.

Google triggers it when a user searches for some Programming related stuff.

  • 8
    are you trying to trick the system again and bullshit yourself through life because you're envy that you don't work for google?
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    @heyheni I just want to see what are the coding challenges, People here might be knowing better.
  • 10
    It's true. You have to Google "saggy grandma tits" and click 'images' and then a Google representative will contact you with a job offer.
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    @AmbientTea I said Google not FBI
  • 6
    It's the same thing kiddo.
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    @AmbientTea Let's not stretch this Rant too far by unnecessary arguments, I know everyone hates me, Consider this an anonymous question and answer if you know something about it.
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    When you renovate house you first ask people to do small thing before you hire them ?
    Hey why don’t you show me on this small piece of paper how would you renovate my house for free and then I will decide.
    Describe me how would you paint this wall with different techniques. What if this wall was made of glass and put on the giant elephant running on mars ? How would you do that ?
    Hiring people based on some challenges is fucked up.

    Fucking world full of script kiddies who think internet is so awesome, safe and nice place when they put camera into their ass.

    Fuck !!!!
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    Its not exactly secret, ive seen a bunch of videos of them on yt.
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    @yellow-dog It was a secret, now the secret is out.
  • 3
    I think what you're referring to is "targeted advertising".
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    @AlmondSauce Google would not be having any lack of applicants applying for job, If, By this way, they can find the one's actually passionate about working there, it's a good thing. And it's not that they are directly hired, they are reviewed and if they are capable, they get it.
  • 5
    Foobar challenges?
    Some are difficult, most are easy or trivial. Lots of bunnies, some bananas.
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    @Root If you get an invite link, can you give it to me? I read in previous rants that you can get as many as you want, I tried but it's not working. I would be really grateful if you do.
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    @theabbie 😂
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    @Root wanna dinosaur challenge? My colleague told me about it after the interview.
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    @rutee07 this boy is looking for a challenge. Do you know any hard challenges? 😈
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    @sudocode I am interested in the challenge, If you have extra invite link, do share with me, I would be really grateful.
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    @theabbie go to leetcode, codeforces, codechef, hackerrank, etc. for similar programming challenges.
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    @RememberMe I have tried them, I take part in Google Codejam, Hashcode and Kickstart. I wanted this because everyone on Internet was saying it's an amazing experience, There is no harm in trying.
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    @theabbie wonder which set of "everyone on the internet" this is, I've never heard of foobar being a nice experience as such. It's just...there. one of many.
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    @RememberMe Yeah it's one of many, But I feel like I should give it a try. I love Problems and finding their solutions, I am only bad at implementation.
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    @theabbie well if you're interested in all that, you'll probably want to grind something like codeforces and read up on core data structures and algorithms. Leetcode has company specific problems, so you can look up Google interview questions and so on which I imagine would be similar.

    Foobar was just a way for Google to exploit the fact that devs use its search engine. Just a way for you to get noticed by the company. The interview/hiring process would be the same.
  • 0
    @RememberMe Great, I will try those Problems
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  • 5
    Yes, it's real,


    If your searches resemble things they are currently looking to hire, then you'll get an email, a little banner or something to bring you to the foobar challenge, once you complete the 5 challenges I think it was, you can then start the interview rounds, however they only give you like 24 hours to do the challenges, and each challenge is some algo that has 10 unit tests prebuilt, Except you don't know what they do, and when you get 9/10 of those fuckers to light up green, you know your close, but so far away!

    so here I am Google jobless.
  • 2
    @C0D4 Shit, that's scary
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    @theabbie I still have some access, it's just a virtual console you read a text file, build a script to solve the problem at hand, and run it against the tests, and finish in time < that last one was the harder part.

    Good luck, if you want to get it to trigger an invite.
  • 0
    @C0D4 I heard that they give you an extra invitation link, If you have one, or, you can trigger it easily, Please share it with me, I would be really grateful.
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    @theabbie don't know where you heard that, there's no "invite a friend" process I've ever seen.

    Original email also doesn't contain anything of such.
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    @C0D4 Some guy posted in an article, maybe after clearing level 4 it asks you to invite a friend. Anyways, If you know how to trigger it, please try and get one for me.
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    If you really would like to work at Google, I'd advice you to also take a "how to throw all ethics and morals out the window for money and possibly end up in hell" course!
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    @linuxxx but hell does not exist. And if it exists we are already there right now.
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    @OneOrZero I didn't ask you though
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    @theabbie but he is right. If you want to work for google, you could apply your resume to nearby google's office.
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    @iiii It's not about working at Google, I want to see those challenges. I know there are sites like Codechef, hackerrank, leetcode, I have tried them, But, I want to try this too, I am not eager for it, If anyone gets an Invite link, And, he is not interested, he could just give it to me. I know applying to Google isn't hard, I am interested in the challenge.
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    @OneOrZero I only asked two people, that too because they had got that invitation before, and they are willing to help, it is selective begging, not the same thing.
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    @theabbie have a challenge: develop a cycle accurate emulator for any retro console. You may start from NES as the simplest one.
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    @OneOrZero If the people whom I asked don't have any concern, nobody should. Let's not extend this Rant, you are the only person who has problem with it, so, it doesn't matter.
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    @C0D4 @iiii @Root @RememberMe Got my invitation, Thank you
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    @iiii Search "Arraylist Java" 20+ times in new tabs, then I stayed on one of the page and clicked few links, then page flipped asking for invitation.
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    UPDATE: Level 1 complete, it was insanely easy, used Python
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    @C0D4 see, they give you an invite link after level 2
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  • 1
    UPDATE: Level 3 complete

    @C0D4 It asked my details and said a recruiter may contact me if my skills align with their requirements
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