When your computer science teacher asks to write the psedo code and flow chart first, instead of just coding the program. That frustration!!!!

  • 5
    Is pseudocode bad?Maybe he's interested in the algorithm and not the language specific implementation
  • 4
    I literally made a rant about why you should do this like a few mins ago
  • 2
    Why bother with school anyways? You can do wonders with that time, learn and earn more and buy that degree...
  • 1
    Well, when it comes to problem solving - it's a gift - you either have it or you don't. I doubt it can be learned in school.
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    @Artemix we have to write a ninety minute exam in Java by hand. And it is going to contain at least one complex problem, that requires multiple classes. I'm loving my university(/s) because my externally hired lecturer wanted to let us write it with a PC but the uni said no.
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    @mpotratz thanks for that. It drives me crazy to see so much people writing spaghetti code instead of thinking / drawing some UML charts first.
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    @Artemix yes I am also a victim of that.hahaha
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    @mpotratz I really understand that,I really put my ideas on program on paper.but writing a step by step code is really a pain(esp when the code is simple and sort).
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    @vringar when we spend time on the code then only we can know about all the errors it gets and we can rectify and understand how the code works ,if we put the code on paper (due to human error) we may pass the test.so getting as many errors in code during college life is important @mpotratz
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