
What's your favorite IDE for python? (I actually use sublime 😝)

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    Sublime user here, a while I'm not a pythonist
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    I just started learning Python. Since I have a total package license from Jetbrains, I am using PyCharm.
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    While Sublime isn't an IDE it is one of the better options for nearly everything.
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    PyCharm... I'm a Java guy though, so it's mostly IDEA for me.
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    Atom, even though it is not an IDE once you add a few python plugins it practically is one.
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    @skablam You get a ++ for not identifying Atom as an IDE (you have no idea how many people pull that shit)
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    Sublime 4life
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    Emacs. Because I can. Its dark theme is just perfect and simple, although I'd like to switch to better font. (I'm lazy shit, so I still haven't looked for the option)
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    I usually use pycharm but when somebody is looking at my screen I open code in IDLE just to watch them get frustrated. Why you ask? Cause some people just like to watch the world burn... 😈😈
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    Tried various Python plugins for VS Code - Pycharm is the best tho!
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    Pycharm and super awesome vim plugin. I have tried all the above said editors and nothing beats the Features of Pycharm. Plus they got a free community edition.
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    Emacs Elpy. Jupyter if I work on data. The former because I'm an octopus, the latter because it makes me feel like I'm on Reddit writing replies to comments.
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    Does notepad++ count?
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    I actually use Visual Studio with some extensions. I'll have to try sublime out!
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    straight notepad.
    let's keep things simple
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    PyCharm FTW 😊
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    Visual studio if on windows
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    I'd say visual Studio 2017 on Windows and pycharm on Linux
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    PTVS (bundled with the free Visual Studio 2015 community edition) if you're on Windows. It's totally free, unlike PyCharm (which is absolutely brilliant, but costs if you wish to use it with Django).
    Also, if you're using python to automate some native language library, such as c/c++, you can drill down stack frames from all languages in a single debug session, which totally saved my life!
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    Sublime isn't a IDE
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    I don't program in python but my favorite ide for any language is Netbeans
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    @JMente that's true, it's a text editor. I used it to keep notes.
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