So, at my company we are migrating from "master" branch on github.

It's good to know we are defeating racism.

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    @memesbot more racism
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    Of all the things to do.

    This one seems like the most ... kinda silly.

    Like it's not even symbolic, it just eats time and I fear takes the place of efforts that might do a thing ...
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    @N00bPancakes you are right. Luckily I don't have to do it myself, but a coworker has. It's a total waste of time for nothing.
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    @F1973 Okay, I will avoid using it on new rants
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    I hope u use something less offensive like main porch monkey or sg.
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    @coffeeholic I was thinking about "bigger". I hope they accept it.
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    My employer is transitioning from the “racist” whitelist/blacklist terms, and making sure to tell all of their vendors and customers all about it. Doing so might actually affect a failover test, too, but the virtue signal is of the utmost importance. 🙄

    They’re also doing inclusivity training, focusing on hiring only “diverse” candidates even should they be worse choices, silently hate and punish those with different political views but repeatedly state publicly that they accept all views, etc. etc. etc. they’ve even hired an ultra-far-left political organizer as a “board advisor” despite him having no technical nor financial background or knowledge, and therefore no knowledge of the industry or business. His presentation? The entire thing was politics: “righties bad,” “police bad,” “strong resistance good.” (And bragging; can’t forget that.)

    Anyway. They are very likely going to switch from master to “main” early next year since they’ve also been complaining how “master/slave” are extremely racist terms.

    They’re insane and extremely intolerant different views despite their so many claims to the contrary. But they pay really well, and I don’t mind taking money from insane people. If I didn’t, they would be donating my salary to further the riots instead. How do I know this? They’ve already donated considerable company funds, and have urged all employees to donate portions of their salary, too, and to “put on protective gear and attend the protests in your areas.”


    But sure, instead of trying to stop the violence, let’s actively encourage it and change some terms instead. That’ll make everything better, and will make people like us more.
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    @Root yeah, I guess your view of taking their money is the right one, it's not worth it to confront them. It's a lost battle.
    I guess we'll have to wait until their decisions start hurting their business.
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    @Root Yeah I sat through one of those presentations. There was nothing about human behavior or instincts that might explain anything, give folks things to keep in mind ... it was all very directed and very specific in its message about who is right and who isn't.

    I'm fairly sure the folks involved had never done a presentation before a group in their life and they just stood there pointing fingers and rattling off factoids ... it was totally counter productive. Folks came out of that meeting really upset but no chance they'd tell anyone about it...

    It's sad because there are problems, but holy cow the amount of desire to "do something" is driving some really counterproductive stuff.
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    @Root you've got to give us hints of where you work, so we can avoid it! Sounds like a big tech company in San Francisco or Seattle.... Am I right?
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    A lot of our clients are doing the same thing... a lot of virtue signalling but no real change. Virtue signalling is getting so bad that it's actually more racist in some cases to virtue signal than to actually do nothing—for example when HBO pulled 'Gone With The Wind' from its library because it had racist ideas, while also erasing the movie to contain the first Black person to win an Oscar, while ignoring any historical context surrounding the movie. Brainwashed idiots...
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    Just some more thoughts on the "master" branch naming: a lot of black devs actually don't give a shit about it, it also doesn't have the master/slave naming convention like you have with HDDs. It's also ironic that we have white CEOs and devs calling for this change while ignoring the actual problems that minorities and POC face... this virtue signalling is actually distracting from real issues and is doing more harm than good, and what precedent does it set? Are we going to remove "Masters" degrees, what about "master of ceremonies" and I guess masterclass.com is going to have to rebrand their entire company...
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    @52cal Yeah there's a lot of "hide stuff" actions that make no sense.

    Like a statue, I get that where it is and what it represents. I'm not opposed to removing some.

    A movie in a library, that's a very different context and requires different thinking on how you address it. Disappearing it makes no sense. We understand that a library of anything has a lot of things and ideas and nobody is endorsing any particular one.

    Everything is a hammer to some folks.
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    @N00bPancakes Destroying statues is destroying history. I am never in favor of this.
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    @Root I'm less fond of destroying them. But I've no problem taking something down / moving it and etc.

    A statue is history and I'm ok with it existing, but where you put it and what you do with it is more of a now choice thing, that's something I would expect to change.
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    @N00bPancakes the issue is that you're dealing with extremists. They don't care about racism (or sexism, or whatever), they want to control others by telling them how to speak.
    They are not negotiating, they want complete compliance.
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    Great waste of time that achieves nothing. Way to go companies!
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    @geronimo I feel like that about a lot of things these days.
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    @N00bPancakes yes, because what you see is a lot of ideologs invading all areas in society.
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    @geronimo very true a lot of small loud minorities are getting larger and larger microphones make things seem that it is like this and everything else is wrong
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    It's sad but this is happening more and more. Someone at the company I work for proposed this and other "progressive" term changes some time ago, thanks to covid we have no time to spare so the CTO said he didn't view it as a priority but if the person that wants it wants to do it then go ahead.

    Hasn't been mentioned ever since, I guess some of the proponents were all talk no work (the project is well over 50k lines). I raised my hand and asked if doing this wouldn't be taking the terms out of context and framing them as racist, no response. It's sad no one speaks up.
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    @JKyll yup, we're all afraid of losing our jobs.
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    I don't mind tearing down statues of traitors and Jim Crow-era revisionist history fuckery, but there is definitely a line.
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    @SortOfTested I don't know, that sounds like book burning to me
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    Indeed. They burned a lot of history during that time period.
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    @SortOfTested so you're doing the same now, that's great
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    @geronimo @SortOfTested The only book I would ever consider burning is the Communist Manifesto. That shit has caused more misery and destruction than any other book on history, save maybe the Bible or Quran.
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    @Root that's tempting but no, no book burning or statue tearing 🙂
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    I volunteer to burn any and all holy books. They've justified at least as many atrocities.
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    History is only history if it's factual.
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    @SortOfTested well, let's be honest, the Communist Manifesto is a religious book really
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    Go right ahead, I didn't argue what was said.
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    @SortOfTested no, you go ahead, you're the one who wants to burn things. Join the mob, it's the way to go.
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    @SortOfTested Shouldn't statues be there to remind us of history? like change the plaque or whatever, the "tear it down because I don't like it anymore" attitude is what brought us here. Because there will always be somewhere else to push the line.
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    Do you really want to have that conversation?
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    @SortOfTested You have expressed your position, I doubt you will change your mind from what I've read so it will probably won't be fruitful to discuss it with you. I'm just expressing my POV.
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    I haven't even begun to express my position.
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    @010001111 From Google
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    Don't forget americano, which is just watered down espresso generally made with half the espresso it should have.
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    @AtuM Laziness and corruption are the cause of the overwhelming majority of the world’s problems.

    To tie this back to my comment, some systems allow these human traits to grow more quickly than others. Prominent example: communism. Lazy people want everything given to them without effort; weak minded people want to be told what to do; corrupt, strong-willed people take advantage of both and quickly become the (corrupt) ruling class.
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    @AtuM If it wasn’t obvious, I am not advocating burning anything. 🙄

    But I certainly would go back in time and kill Karl Marx before he wrote anything.
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    I had ranted about this a few weeks ago. This is utterly stupid. Do you realise the amount of development efforts that will go behind this. And also the amount of confusion this will cause.
    Also racism isn't due to the words, but the words are used when racism is in effect. Meaning removing the words doesn't reduce racism in anyways. Any company doing this is just a fraud, doing a fucking publicity stunt.
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    @pxeger Politics aren’t allowed “unless they are directly related to a current event directly impacting development/tech.” Which this is.

    Also, OP doesn’t post about politics often, not a lot of people do. Not sure where the frustration is coming from but you should post a rant about it maybe? :p
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    Imagine if I walked to my boss and said "we need to invest 24 man hours into migrating all of our projects to main branch instead or master. Both git and jenkins and if needed servers and app version names. It's all for inclusivity and you get to pay for it!"

    He'd strangle me on the spot...
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