i get a lot of anxiety if i didn't push my code or save somewhere remote, especially if i make a lot of changes
is it just me?

  • 1
    I wish I did sometimes... might make me actually save it.

    Granted in VS code I can make a workspace sync on commit... I've done that for some.
  • 1
    You are not alone, Not me, But I believe someone might have same feeling.
  • 3
    Sometimes I even don't git init until the full project is working. Guess I like living in the edge 🙈
  • 1
    Nope, I feel the same. I need to push code to a remote repo, otherwise I feel sort of uneasy.
  • 2
  • 1
    I hope not, but probably.
  • 1
    Nope. It's a good habit. Your computer will, at some point in time, fail horribly at a very inconvenient moment.
  • 2
    @yamlbreakfast I have anxiety for myself and for you too now! Aaaaah. Git push all the things!

    Taken from the "hub" documentation... it's never been easier !

    # create a repo to host a new project on GitHub
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "And so, it begins."
    hub create
    → (creates a new GitHub repository with the name of the current directory)
    git push -u origin HEAD
  • 2
    @devphobe actually... that commit message instead of "First commit" encourages me to git init first!
    You have changed a person today sir!
    Gonna start initializing my repos with that super cool message! 👌
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