Actually want to learn some new language what should I learn after JAVA.

Sir/ Madam am a student so PLZZ suggest that type of language which would fit in my mind.

  • 3
    Learn Erlang
  • 5
    Pick a language that tickles your fancy
  • 6
    Learn Brainfuck
  • 6
    Have a look at C. It's always good to know how things work under the hood
  • 3
    C or C++ are the best choices for actually learning how things work and not just sticking together things with duck tape.
  • 0
    Java is a good start, perhaps try go as a functional language

    The image adds nothing to the post tho
  • 0
    I learnt Java as a first language and then went on to learn the common web stack. I suffered from some headaches.
    I'm planning on learning C# and having gone to the other extreme, I think it wouldn't be difficult for someone in your situation.
  • 1
    @frogstair ffs, english is too confusing sometimes
  • 1
    @iiii There is a brand of duct tape called “Duck Tape” so most people in the English world don’t actually know what it is really called. I don’t know why someone thought it was worth busting your balls for.
  • 2
    Python, or some lower form of Assembly, say Z80 or 6502.
  • 1
    If u learned java already you should start with c# cause they're pretty similiar...
  • 0
    If you are doing scientific stuff (statistics, visualization, ...), choose Python. I fell in love with it some years ago, and after having coded in C for the past 15 years, I don't ever want to go back. :)
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    c# or js are cool
  • 1
    learn java in depth
  • 1
    Nobody mentioned JavaScript yet. I think it's not a coincidence.
  • 2
    @gronostaj well, @EthanSnowy seems to think JS is cool 🙄
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    @100110111 Well, apparently it's time to get a coffee.
  • 2
    Rust to expand your brain volume. It is a mindblower at first, but then you are going to love that language.
  • 1
    @lamka02sk sounds like a dominatrix kind of language
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