
This is the sickest sublime text theme I've ever seen.

  • 3
    cool, but why dont you use WebStorm? the best IDE I think. imho, JetBrains IDEs are the best in their field. I use 5 of them. and you can install custom themes also
  • 5
    @tatocaster Nah, I am a text editor person than an IDE person.☺️
  • 3
    @meain is that why you're stuffing your text editor with plugins to make it behave more like an IDE?
  • 5
    @kanduvisla Haha, it's hard to learn everything that an ide provides, but when I set up plugins I know exactly how they work. Plus text editors are way faster to start up.
  • 2
    @meain can't argue with that! πŸ˜‰ I tried sublime once for a while, but I ended up stuffing it with plugins to make it do the same stuff phpstorm does out-of-the-box.
  • 3
    Text editors for real devz!
    The good thing with sublime is that you don't have to change your typing habits when you change language. It's a pain in the ass when you go to another IDE to re-learn all the features and key bindings that are specific to the new one.
  • 0
    @hiestaa http://imgur.com/06BxGxz here is my IDE-s and all the key bindings are same, or even you can export those settings.

    IDE's do al the sweetness and I usually don't close them for several days, so no boot time :)
  • 0
    @tatocaster Oh God, so you constantly switch back and forth between all of these? You're never annoyed not having the buttons at the same place and maybe auto-complete not working exactly the same?
    Also, which of these IDEs can support multiple cursors? This simple feature increased my productivity like 3x ('cause I'm a stackoverflow / copy-paste expert :p)
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    Does anyone else bothered with the source tree in the editor?
  • 1
    @hiestaa all the above IDE-s are from JetBrains except XCode and SourceTree. and yes they do support multiple cursor , and I have same keybindings.

    Android Studio - Android
    IntelliJ - Java tests and Kotlin (personal use)
    WebStorm - Some js/html/css work such as a mini AngularJS project
    PhpStorm - for PHP projects , especially Laravel
    DataGrip - the best database explorer
    AppCode - for iOS development because XCode sucks. I use xcode only for storyboard(visual editor)

    so I'm very familiar with configs in JetBrains products and I feel home when I'm in. I sync my settings across devices, this is a personal macbook, at office I have desktop Linux and at home I have dual-boot Linux/Windows(mostly Dota2). so I think I'm in good shape.

    I used sublime text a lot. Also wrote some small plugins for it and so on but for big project an maintenance IDEs are life.
  • 0
    Hey look! It's Atom!
  • 0
    @W1ckeD shit editor. Only shit done by Github. :/ πŸ™ƒ sorry, but its a reality
  • 0
    All this time and nobody mentioned Vim?
  • 1
    @tatocaster I wouldn't really call Atom shit, the only reason why I won't use atom is just because it's not native and so is a bit slow to start. Btw it was shit in the beginning but has come a long way.
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    @meain Yeah agree, I overreacted.
  • 1
    @tatocaster Haha, that's what we devs do when it comes to text editors. It's like religion.
  • 1
    @meain VIM FOREVER!
  • 0
  • 2
    The notepad++ camp is suspiciously silent on this one...
  • 0
    Wait, you can actually change the background color of the file list on the left?

    I tried Sublime once but didn't find an option for that.
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    @deadlyRants This is on Sublime Text 3, don't know if it's possible in 2
  • 1
    Just tried it again.
    So you have to install a theme to change the sidebar color. Apparently it's too simple to just offer a setting for that.
  • 1
    And so the editor wars rage on.

    Each side unwilling to acknowledge that you can be productive with any editor. Really.

    Btw. I just bought a new computer. Should I install Linux, windows or hackintosh?
  • 0
    @morgh Linux or Linux/Windows dual boot.

    I dont like hackintosh , I prefer pure MacOS,.
  • 1
    @morgh I like to keep a Windows partition just in case. Installing it afterwards tends to cause trouble.
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    @tatocaster @deadlyRants I was just kidding.

    I run Windows on my PC so I can play games. Most of my dev work is done in vms.
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    @morgh Something I will never do. Can't you dual boot? #justsaying
  • 3
    @meain I don't like rebooting and losing my session.

    VMs are convenient because I can pause them whenever I want. And I can create and keep as many as I want.

    For most things I don't see a noticeable performance penalty.

    I would consider using a hypervisor on a nice server rack though. But that's expensive.
  • 1
    So green πŸ˜“
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