Alright apache2.2 with php5.6 session upload progress works, client has apache2.4 and php7 on his server...now... WHY THE HELL DON'T IT WORK. All THE DAMN REQUIREMENTS ON THE DAMN DOCS ARE THERE. Fuck i could have went to bed and made the same progress

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    Becoming a farmer sounds fun
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    Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't
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    A proper rant 😊
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    @nbamaral there probably will be another one later either when i find it and its a stupid one line config fix or when i waste two working days on that fucking bug
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    I'd help if I knew what the problem was, but I have no php7 deployed yet.
    Probably something in php.ini needs to be changed, I feel your pain :-)
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    @nbamaral yeah im 99% sure its either a variable in apache or php. But my damn luck I'll catch that 1% and it be a damn php bug since it looks like nobody has tried it before me yet
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    I'd rule Apache at first, I haven't noticed many differences between 2.2 and 2.4, not for php anyway.
    Acls are different, if using htaccess.
    And wouldn't rule out a php bug you triggered, had a similar problem and traced it to a rogue cleanup batch on the server (I moved hosting)
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    Check the fucking log broski.
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    @dcode no errors. The session variables arnt being set
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    File based sessions? Check the path exists and writable, or better yet, set it to a folder you can control permissions.
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    @nbamaral I'll admit i haven't checked if the path was writable since session based login works
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    @nbamaral but an update its definally something in php7 cause the upload was uploading into the tmp directory. So if you have any ideas on the php7 end I'll try it but i do have a few ideas now
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    Sorry, no good ideas here. I once had to deal with something similar, resorted to regenerating sessions at almost every page load, server was ignoring the session times and cleaning the up regardless. That worked alright, still in production :-)
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    When I switched to PHP 7 everything worked fine except that bcrypt wasn't included so I had to compile php myself
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    @Jifuna yeah i dont know what the hell is going on. Compared phpinfo's between php5.6 and php7 and nothing was different. file sessions, session dir writable, file being uploaded with no buffering(checked by watching tmp directory). but yet the upload progress still isnt being saved in the session
  • 2
    Yeah I'm a damn idiot installed php-uploadprogress to fix it the other day just removed it and its working perfectly. Prime example why you shouldn't try to fix shit at 5am
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    @jckimble haha, good thing it works now
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