
When you find a bug in a "min" js file and you don't have the not minified version anymore... ok, it's not a bug it's a feature.

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    Won't solve the problem, but maybe it can get you partway there.
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    @rooksoto phpstorm: ctrl alt l (dont do it on linux or your pc will lock)
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    @Scrumplex never really experienced that, even with a big ass file for which reformatting took around a minute.
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    @pt300 no it is not because of phpstorm. There is a hotkey in gnome based desktop environments (and kde) where Ctrl Alt L is locking the current session
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    @Scrumplex ooh, I see. I've been using i3wm for a long time, so I don't really know these fancy hotkeys. Sorry for that misunderstanding.
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    Pray that the file content is not uglified
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