
Can anyone tell me what’s that “cultural appropriation” bullshit is all about? What does it mean to appropriate some foreign culture?

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    @vintprox I’m even more confused right now.
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    Stop being a bouba 🤷‍♂️

    Honestly. No idea, just another term for snowflakes to shove up their ass.
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    I kinda know what it is but idk how to explain, in short it's bullshit
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    Ah, thanks wiki

    It's: we don't give a shit about your culture, you came to my country, you adhere to my culture.
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    @C0D4 you’re so cool, fucking told that constantly crying bipolar person on therapy that he’s a bouba. Very cool
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    Asian black men in Europe being like a white bouba
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    @uyouthe You know what's the hottest example of cultural appropriation that twists my eyebrow?
    It's when freaks wear hat with ear flaps, hold balalaika and, standing on bearskin rug, pose as Russian that unconditionally drinks vodka, making a caricature of normal Russ' day.
    Of course, it's simply stereotype, but it starts with appropriation OF said stereotype originated at this very land, which is double unfunny!
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    @uyouthe why thank you, but you did ask. 🤷‍♂️
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    @vintprox ah, I get it now. So it’s like an offensive caricature of other culture
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    It basically means that you as white person cannot do Jazz because that's black culture and you're invading it, BUT if you question black people doing European classical music, then you're a racist.
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    @uyouthe More like (un)intended misinterpretation which puts shame on originated culture. That's how history books were written, amirite or amirite?)
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    @vintprox that's a good example
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    It stems from a central thesis that white humans stole everything in this world and robbed non-white of their identity, wealth, etc. That line of thinking is then applied to modern white people when they do things like wear "ethnic clothing," cook ethnic foods, or perform music that might bleed into an ethnic style. It's the assumption that anything a white person does is

    1. From a position of ignorance and
    2. Done in a fashion intended to diminish, mock or claim ownership of the thing itself, and therefore another person's "identity"

    The real kicker is the people who go on about it are mostly white people with internalized self loathing; the vast majority of the "offended parties," aren't.

    The perpetuation of cultural appropriation as only a negative harms any meaningful attempt at cultural exchange or appreciation. Positive cultural appropriation happens all the time. And if you disagree, you need to boycott korean barbecue tacos and chimichangas.

    People in their feelings can't get out of identity politics
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    Cultural appropriation is my white upper middle class teenage stepson listening to American rap music, wearing FUBU and talking 'gangsta' with his mates.

    Cultural appropriation is my bogan aunt doing a 2 day yoga course and then buying a bunch of $10 hindu statues and walking around with a red dot on her head.

    Cultural appropriation is your dumb white friend from highschool who got a tattoo in chinese which she thinks says "Tiger" but actually says "Teacup".

    Basically whenever someone else's culture has something you think is 'cool' and you think it would be 'cool' to make it your identity. It's not it's cultural appropriation and it's cringe. In the 90s we called them wannabees
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    @SortOfTested said it best.
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    Cultural appropriation started off as an academic term for when some company goes into a foreign country, sees some cool thing they are doing/eating/wearing, and makes tons of money off of selling something similar in another country, while the originators of the idea get nothing.
    It has since gone off the rails, and now is just a word you yell at someone who wants to experience other cultures, or wear/eat/do something that originated in another culture, even with positive intentions and when no harm results.
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    Culture has been evolving using exchange and trade everywhere, since the beginning of humanity.
    Cultural appropriation is not a real thing.
    If you like something from my culture, like a dish or whatever, feel free to make it. If you like a word, feel free to use it. You're not "stealing" from me, and I consider it a compliment that my culture created something that you like.

    Unless you're deep frying it, that's dumb.
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    it means being white and using/having anything that is commonly percieved as being iconic to a non-white culture (wearing dreadlocks, or kimono, for example)
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    Shout out to Lil' Windex!
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    @SortOfTested when I think about my implicit bias and racism from the perspective of cultural appropriation, it makes me wonder if I'm the most racist against the people I least appropriate...

    Or in other words, the French.
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    It's the sort of thing americ*ns complain about.

    While they eat pizza, spaghetti and espresso like it wasn't italian to begin with. IDK.
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    @IHateForALiving It’s only a “social crime” when it’s convenient to accuse someone they don’t like.
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