
I'm new to Python and have been using PyCharm. I like it. I've tried just about every IDE on the market now excluding maybe a couple of the ones who don't have free versions and I always end up back to Pycharm.

I like how it's strict about formatting. My opinion it builds good habits. I watch a lot of tutorials on youtube among other things and I'm learning slowly but still I getting there.

My conclusion is that their seems to be a complete lack of consistency in the Python community regarding PEP and formatting standards. One person does it this way. Another does it that way. Makes it extremely frustrating when trying to learn because you have all these people doing things slightly different.

One guy says dont use camelCase another says yes. Granted some of these tutorial are a couple of years old and I know things change but I can't imagine it changes that much from 2 to 3 yeah but when you can't even be consistent with your spacing of your print functions or comments it's like nails on a chalkboard.

And thats just the beginning. I'm a tabs guy some are spaces. That's a whole other rant or whatever. Hardly the point really. Lots of different inconsistencies but I'm running out of characters.

Maybe im just not finding good videos. They all act like they know what they are doing and to an extent I suppose they do.

It takes a lot of guts to put yourself out their like they do ready to be scrutinized so you have to at least have a clue of what your doing. Some of these people have 10s of thousands of subs and I find myself picking apart every little thing they are doing and find many times they are teaching wrong standards. At least that's how I see it from the little experience I have now.

I'm just beyond frustrated and would appreciate any advice that a person wants to give. Keep in my I'm new and may just be misguided so try not to be to harsh if I've drawn an incorrect conclusion.

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    It bugs me like crazy that there is no explicit "save" in PyCharm. Have they changed that? It drove me nuts.
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    @Demolishun no it's still autosave. I agree that is one of the things I don't like. I always worry my code isn't being saved. That and how resource hungry it is. That's definitely another rant lol.
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    @Demolishun all jet brains IDEs save code changes automatically. They also track changes, so you can resore old code easily.
    Personally i love it, because i never loose my work, no matter what happens - no power, windows crash, windows update (fuck windows forced updates). I can also resore the code i deleted or reactored a few hours or days before, even if i'm not using git for the project.
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    @impune-pl good points. I'm still getting used to it so some of the more advanced features are beyond me. Windows forced updates suck.
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    Metered Connection


    Set update time periods.

    The second does not fix the long term testing problems such as overnight testing. Unless you isolate the computer from the internet. Now if you need to test the internet, well you will have to mock up the internet.
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    You can turn off auto saving and Ctrl+s/shift+s to save files manually.
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    If you are already bothered by styling wait until you get to packing and distribution everything you read is probably already deprecated. Distutils setuptoools pep517/518.

    This is what I love about go. Auto formatter just build and ship. No drama conflicting build systems etc
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    @hjk101 I'm pretty OCD about stuff I'm passionate aboutso yes the inconsistent formatting is driving me insane. I haven't heard of GO until now. Thanks for bringing it up. I'm very interested in the possibility of auto formatting.

    I found this Medium article someone might be interested in. If your passed the allowed number of free articles simply open incognito mode and past the link and your good to GO. Pun intended.

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    Honestly, when it comes to tabs Vs spaces or camelCase vs snake_case... who cares!
    What I always do, is add a linter with agreed upon guidelines and let the IDE run it for me on save.

    The real problem is coding standards. Like people writing spateggy code, using i,j,v,x as variable names or not writing test cases. Focus on that! Making sure your program is easy to debug, test, understand and run efficiently.

    I agree that formatting is important, but that’s just preference (most IDEs will convert spaces to tabs or vice versa is you specify an editorconf file).

    So long as you pick a formatting style and keep it consistent in a given project, it does not matter.
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    @Demolishun there's a save-all. Changes made are saved automatically though so I don't know why you'd need that?
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    @python3 I get what your saying. My rant was mostly frustration and not learning fast enough or remembering what to actually do. But it is frustrating that formatting can vary so much from person to person so it can get confusing.

    I know the basics. It's clear when I do tutorials or try a new app.

    I'm trying to make a text adventure for a practice project. If I ever actually get somewhere with it I may try to release it on pc. Maybe phones as well, but I realize when it comes to actually applying the things I know my mind goes blank when trying to do something on my own.

    Life would be so much easier if could download the knowledge into my brain like the Matrix.
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    @stub honestly, just focus on that. Make a nice text adventure game in the terminal. I’d recommend the library curses for making visual uis in the terminal (it’s in the standard library now I think). Don’t worry about the rest.

    Just get to coding, and anytime you hit a wall, google the answer. Don’t watch tutorials unless they are relevant to a problem you are trying to solve. That’s how I learned :P
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    @rusty-python ill have to educate myself on curses. Thanks for the advice.
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