
Who is the best for you ? 😮 , i think C++ 😂😂😂😂😂

  • 7
    Best at what? What are the percentages based off?
  • 8
    Only Hipsters use rankings of programmings to decide which language to learn.
  • 1
    wait i was reading somewhere that said that C was one of the most popular language's
  • 6
    No swift 😱😡
  • 0
    @lukegv exactly
  • 0
  • 2
    This chart is bullshit. Swift isn't there. Python is not the most popular by far.
  • 2
    @Paramite HTML stands for hyper text *markup language*. It's not a programming language
  • 0
    Definitely not accurate. Ruby isn't that big, Js is a lot bigger and swift, rust and r are actually significant.
  • 0
    Brainfuck, chef, and lolcode isn't on this hype list -- omg the tyranny of mainstream proganda joining the likes of "learn these programming languages in 20xx."
  • 0
    @SoupSpoon oh yeah. Because anecdotes are facts. Aren't they. Ask your stats friends.
  • 0
    Python baby hell yeah 😎
  • 0
    @Paramite I said that there is sarcasm/irony punctuation?! I don't see you have used it. And, it is not "/s" it is "⸮" ;)

    P.S. On a side note, I don't believe that many users would recognize it, but it is OK, irony and sarcasm are not easily recognized even in oral form; in written form that is almost mission impossible, esp. if you do not know anything about person who used some words. ;)
  • 1
    No rust? :(
  • 0
    I'll never understand meaning of diagrams like his. Programming language is only a tool used to express thoughts/algorithms/processes, so you can do anything you want in each and every language (but, of course, depending of your choice, YMMV).
  • 3
    This is probably as retarded as:

    Most popular tools:
    1. Screwdriver
    2. Hammer
    3. Measuring tape
  • 1
  • 0
    This diagram looks really shady. One would think that java, javascript and php would be used a lot more in industry.
  • 1
    I think C# combined with the MonoFramework will rise quickly
  • 0
    I am racist towards people who knows a high level prog lang
  • 0
    @Letmecode sorry but most people i met that claimd that they know code knows either python or java and they are both terrible at their hobby. They dont know anything about computer structure and write unreadable code its not like everyone is like that but the ones i met so far is
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