
Python ecosystem drives me nuts!

Not the language tho, i kinda like it, and some features are damn straight awesome.

But ecosystem... man!

The way ppl write code in it, the lack of documentation (or in quality of it)...

I recently wanted to check how library does one thing (debug purposes), and not only i had to track some method up 3 classes, the other method i hunted only by signature and still i have no idea how it ends up being accessible where it should...

"Explicit is better than implicit" my ass...

Also dev managed to make the code very unreadable. In Python. Language with such strong opinions about code formatting. HOW ?!!

And the worst part is, it wasn't that big of a library and didn't really need the full freaking Enterprise OOP treatment with layers over layers of generally named classes and fucked up architecture.


Project seems to be abandoned for a year or two, so there is hardly an option to fix things with the author sadly :(

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    I agree with you totally. Some modules are very crucial and useful for development (re) and have bugs since we came down from the trees. The reason is: community driven. And if they don't find someone who thinks pythonic, they probably started to employ former C-programmers to populate the Python library. Result: Lots of compressed, complex code, meta-meta classes, one part written in C the other half written in unintelligible Python.
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    Ptojects tend to get abandoned when people don't contribute and just take things for granted.

    Everyone should learn to raise issues and send PRs if they don't like something.
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    @Arlekin THANK YOU. I've been saying that for the last two years but no one at my (now previous) job seemed to listen.
    I'm a more-than-decent .NET dev but I had to code in python (to interop with C, of all things). I complained about the ecosystem and docs and bugs in lambda closures, but my bosses just gave me shit about not being able to deliver a POC. They wanted the project to be in python because it's "trendy". Now they're stuck with a python codebase, and no one who knows python. it's a shame, really.
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