I usually prefer the single slit design for pen testing personally

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  • 5
    Eye slit since plebs can't see my grimaces while hacking
  • 36
    Three hole here, want to be able to enjoy my Irish coffee.
  • 0
    @Desinika good point tho
  • 0
    @uddinstock do you want the definition that google answers to that question? :p
  • 0
    @uddinstock it's a term used by the upper class to refer to the general population.
  • 19
    Is this a joke? I hope you don't really think this is how hacking works... everybody knows that you additionally have to wear a hoodie and some leather gloves so you won't leave fingerprints on the internet...
  • 3
    @iWeazelGER You also need to sit in home and type things into cmd. Thats how you roll. Ohh and you need to cover your entire room with aluminium foil to prevent NSA from tracking signals.
  • 1
    God I love DevRant
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    I see that u never have played watchdogs
  • 3
    Those don't fit man.
  • 4
    I tend to keep it subtle
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    I see no female commenting yet.
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    This is gold. I love this community. Thanks for being awesome people!
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    I wanted to get into hacking business, but could not find any stores that sell masks :-(
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