
I just received about 8 -- in 3 minutes from someone... 😔
Haters gonna hate.

P.S. Sorry if you, whoever you are, didn't like some of my contents on this website.

  • 5
    @BassClefBuddha maybe you're right. But who the hell deleted his profile on devRant? Why? 😝
  • 0
    I have a friend, who received unjustified continuous hate on devrant from a particular user.

    He then used all of his time downvoting all of the activity of the said user, until the user's account cumulative score went into negative. Then the user just deleted his account.
  • 0
    @JS96 maybe they don't like your v 2.0 designs 😂
  • 4
  • 1
    Btw, earlier today i posted a funny (or at least i thought so) joke here on devRant
    Downvoted like a Plague :(
    I had to delete it before reaching the bottom
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