
I <3 PHP

there, I said it.

  • 7
    @thmnmlst they might not actually kill you, but you should keep an eye on your machine over the next few days...

    PHP 4 LYF
  • 7
    Exterminate! Exterminate!
  • 3
    I love php, too. Pls don't hate me. 🌚
  • 2
    I love PHP too, haters keep away from this rant.
  • 4
    I love the dynamic nature of PHP. I think the worst thing about PHP are all the kids who think they can program, but they actually write shit.
    Also everybody who doesn't adhere to the standards is an idiot, because PHP doesn't enforce standards. That might be the worst thing about PHP itself
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    PHP Squad !!
  • 1
    I don't really understand why people hate php in the first place?
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    @cankarales because of legacy spaghetti code and the fact most of them think php == wordpress
  • 3
    As a developer I hate PHP...
    As a Web Hosting company owner... I love it.
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    You forgot the wk32 tag
  • 1
    @fyroc my feelings exactly.
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    The reason I came to hate PHP was because whenever I tried to look up how to do things the "right" way, a majority of them were crap. That's the same with most languages, but I couldn't find a good group to latch into that had 100% best practices in mind (at the time). That and most of my mentors had moved onto Node, Go, and Elixir by the time more modern PHP versions came out.

    It also bugs me how PHP is run with Apache. I don't mind as much with NGINX, but it's still fairly slow and hasn't been able to handle too many concurrent connections without having three or four layers of caching (at least when I was using it 3-4 years ago).

    But if any of you guys know of any good sites to follow that are focused on PHP best practices (including ops related material), I'd love to give it another go.
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    @ItsMrSammeh I've heard good things about laravel.

    Oh also, is there a pure API framework that doesn't have any sort of HTML view piece? Or is opt-in with plugins? Or does laravel cover that?

    I rather like the separation of API and client, but most PHP stuff that I used were all very HTML view-centric
  • 1
    @tytho take a peek at laravel lumen
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