
"We’re putting a bullet through Google’s head" - Cyanogen, 2015

"Cyanogen services shutting down on December 31, 2016” - Cyanogen, 2016

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    @H1ghTech Please don't get me wrong, cyanogen only said that thing about the bullet. The conspiracy thing is my estimate how some cyanogenmod users probably sound.
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    That is a shame. Anyway, Welcome, LineageOS! You are here to stay
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    ... but it's still Android, what were they expecting?
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    damn I liked cyanogen. oh well someone will make another
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    I've been using cyanogen for over a year and this is the first I've heard of it going :(
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    Cyanogen the company is stopping with their involvement with the Cyanogen OS. CyanogenMOD as in the community driven OS is continuing though, but under a new name and away from the horribly managed company, as Lineage OS.

    So do not fear yet, hopefully Lineage OS will bring us even more :)
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    @darksideplease it was actually the CEO of cyanogen Inc who said it. Cyanogen (Steve Kondik) didn't say or agree with that asinine statement.
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    Yup and he will be continuing to be involved with Lineage OS :)
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    @fattire isn't that the same person?
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    The hubris of some SV companies is insane.
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    No Steve is Cyanogen, developer and project lead. Kirt McMaster is/was the money guy CEO who talked insane shit to media and suckers^h^h^h^h^h^hinvestors.
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    That was just one of the many dumb and inflammatory things he said (often from his iPhone) that drove volunteer developers away.
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    Cyanogen, Inc. is shutting down services for CyanogenMod and the Cyanogen OS. They will continue working on Cyanogen MOD. Yup. Both are different things and this is what happens when you make an unpaid intern head of marketing.
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    @flag0 its gonna be rebranded as lineageOS tho ( although they are gonna be poor as fuck because they will survive off donations to buy nightly servers and pay for some developers)
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    @flag0 and they really did? Made an intern head of marketing lol
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    @n1had that's what I think. Some of the names form marketing return no results outside of Cyanogen Inc. Next few months will be crucial as to what waytr community will go. Without the Cyanogen Inc infrastructure they can't possibly support each and every device they have until now. And turning away volunteering devs because of business decisions will cost them heavily.

    Either devs will come back to support their devices with liniageOS or they will fail to get that same amount of support they once had.
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    bullets aren't enough to kill Google. need a rpg to finish it off
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    @starksid maybe even a couple of tanks
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    @n1had but a nuke would definitely kill it.. and that nuke is "The Linux"
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    @starksid well they kinda have some parts of the nuke
    ChromeOS and android
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    @n1had after all the Linux is the Father of Android ..Lol.. 😂😎
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