why do you think we use the words fuck and shit a lot?

  • 11
    Because the English language is very unimaginative in that matter? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • 3
    @heyheni shutup. We know words. We have the best words. Fuck is the best word.
  • 6
    Because it’s the ultimate word..

    Fucking someone
    I don’t give a fuck
    That’s fucking good
    He’s a fucker

    Fuck, that fucking fucker fucked my girl-fucking-friend, fuck him!

    See my point?
  • 7
    I like to use old English words that haven't been changed in hundreds of years, so my conversations are littered with fuck, piss, ass, twat, shit and of course, one of the oldest, cunt.
  • 10
    Because fuck you, that's why!
  • 2
    @heyheni I do so envy Finnish/etc. in that respect.
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    Single Syllable, Can be said aggressively, Both are natural human activities
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    It provides a weight to the expression.
  • 3
    Shit is just shit, but everything is shit.

    Fuck on the other hand is a magical word that we have made to defy the rules.
    Also known as an expletive attributive.

    Noun: he is a fucker!
    Verb: she was fucking him
    Adjective: that's one fucked Apple
    Adverb: they lost fucking everything

    Shall I continue?

    @wiki expletive attributive
  • 3
    Well, both are important bodily functions of all mammals including humans... Weird enough...
  • 3
    I do think there might be some Freudian stuff going on.

    If you watch american porn they say "oh shit... fuck... shit" every 2 seconds -- which I find really unattractive, talking about excrement during sexy times.

    On the other hand, here in the Netherlands it's pretty normal to say "Dat is echt kut" (Literally "that is really cunt"), even in semi-formal situations, like when your boss says that a big client was lost. We also prefix it: "kutcode". Or as a verb, an edgy teacher might say to unruly students: "loop niet zo te kutten" (stop cunting around). And of course godverdekutkanker "goddammitcuntcancer"

    And then there's the French with their "Éteins cette putain de ordinateur" -- "Turn off that whoring computer!" and "putain de bordel", which is Holy Shit! but literally just "Brothel Whore!", and "tu as fait un bordel" You made a mess... eh you made a brothel?


    US = Poopsex fetishists

    Dutch = A bunch of carcinogenic cunts

    French = A brothel full of whores

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    Because something like "Heil Hitler mein Fuhrer" is neither as easy to say nor does it sound as cool, which is why they lost the war to folks who just said "fuck this shit".
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    @Fast-Nop na, Umlaute bitte!
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    @Nanos Truth 😇
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx They took them with them in the submarine to New Swabia in, or rather under Antarctica. :-P
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    Fuck if I know this shit.

    Jokes apart I suspect it may be a form of anger relief... Not for lots of anger, but just like a passive reminder that you have it in your system.
    In our society anger is seen as a taboo (cause we all feel it, but come on, will you really admit you are HUMAN? WHAT? YOU ALSO FEEL FEAR AND YOU FEEL BAD FOR UNETHICAL STUFF? GET FIRED, SCRUB!), but in the end, wish for it or not we are just super intelligent apes, and even if we try to repurpose anger, we still need to express it somehow...
  • 0
    Peyo tried to change the habbit of people to swear in numerous languages, but didn't succeed, because...

    Smurf, that smurfing smurfer smurfed my girl-smurfing-friend, smurf him!
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    @Ranchonyx Dooooch!

    (looking forward to the classic continuation!)
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    Why do we use trendy and modern dressea... thats all
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