This is fucking unacceptable! The level of absurd in this company’s policy infuriated me.

  • 13
    what in ze fuck
  • 23
    Was zum fick soll diese scheiße.
    Oh sorry, my inner A N G E R materialised itself in german.
    Excuse me.
  • 3

    *adds Ecobee to shitlist*
  • 4
    I'm fucking sorry? What the hell? Get that in the news "Home Automation company ecobee forces customers to disable essential security features"
  • 4
    Please remove all the authentication you've setup for seamless integration.
  • 2
    It's like they want you to get hacked lol
  • 1
    So let me get this straight, they want you to disable 2FA so you can get developer privilleges, and develop yourself a 2FA with developer privileges?

    Maybe then you can also develop a 3FA for your account? 😅
  • 1
    @bioDan the 3rd factor is apparently turning on your 2fa after you set up your app and tokens.
  • 2
    What in the catgirl-loving fuckness is this bullshit
  • 0
    Mind blown.
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