My first real "rant", okay...

So I decided today to hop back on the horse and open Android Studio for the first time in a couple months.

I decided I was going to make a random color generator. One of my favorite projects. Very excited.

Got all the layouts set up, and got a new color every tap with RGB and hex codes, too. Took more time to open Android Studio, really.

Excited with my speedy progress, I think "This'll be done in no time!". Text a friend and tell them what I'm up to. Shes very nice, wants the app. "As soon as I'm done". I expected that to be within the hour.

I want to be able to save the colors for future reference. Got the longClickListener set up just fine. Cute little toast pops up every time. Now I just need to save the color to a file.

Easy, just a semicolon-deliminated text file in my app's cache folder.

Three hours later, and my file still won't write any data. Friend has gone to sleep. Homework has gone undone. My hatred for Android is reborn.

Stay tuned, the adventure continues tomorrow...

  • 2
    Surely You will win this battle
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    Why not SQLite? Isn't that the preferred way to store that kind of data?
  • 0
    Thanks, realm looks nice!
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    I recommend you to use sharedpreferences
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    @singh Thanks for the encouragement!
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    @TheGeekyGuy Im using my app's cache. Context.getCacheDir()
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    @TheGeekyGuy Thanks for the suggestion, but I need to learn how to do it myself before I rely on libraries. I'd be interested in the source though, for learning purposes.
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    @TheGeekyGuy Thank you so much! I'll check it put asap. Good luck with that window situation.
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    @TheGeekyGuy lmao I just got home and you put the Shia motivational speech in the readme. I thought that was pretty funny, btw. Having a walk through your source right now. Thanks for the help :)
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    @TheGeekyGuy Well... Yeah. I just got home... And I wont be able to use it for a couple more hours, either. Just skimming right now.
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