
Can we please eliminate React?
I was interviewing lately and the lady asked if I knew react, I said no and I don't want to. She then asked what the hell I use for front end... As if react is the only thing you can use... Ehm hello we still have vanilla JS and jQuery in the house. Which are better, faster and easier to use for like +90% of all Web projects out there...

  • 7
    Do you know react?
  • 12
    I can understand a personal preference but.... if that's the job, yeah probably not the job for you....
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    @bagfox react is bad.
  • 8
    @xo-xo that's a pretty negative mindset for a field where the majority of employers probably want you to be familiar with it.
  • 12
    I’m familiar with it.
    React is still bad.
  • 6
    If you really know JavaScript - you can learn any framework. If you know only React... then... : /
  • 3
    @xo-xo Yes I know, I hate it too.
    But do you know react?
  • 3
    React is bad from the little I've used it, jquery is worse from years of using it.
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    @Root i am pretty familiar with it, you know I love u but I disagree with it being bad.
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  • 4
    I’ve been web dev since fucking Netscape. In that time I’ve seen every shitty language, framework, API, platform, IDE, and most everything else.

    And at the dead bottom of the steaming pile of shit that has always been web dev?


    Fuck Facebook. Fuck Zucherberg. Fuck React.

    I’ll code you Node all god damn day but don’t you fucking even mention React or I fucking walk.
  • 2
    @HiFiWiFiSciFi I appreciate your hatred, just want to know reason behind it😬
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    @Prakash It’s like going out of your way to use the most unnecessarily complex thing all in order to suck that zucherburg wang.

    We all know Facebook is bad... why can’t we all just stop?
  • 2
    @HiFiWiFiSciFi I agree that FB is bad but using that as a predicate to say react is bad seems insensible. React does provides a lot of relevant abstractions, which saves your development time as well as improves performance on client side. Agree that the build bundle size is waaay more than it should be, but underlying concept is definitely excellent.
  • 4
    You should have been responded that react is not following w3c web component standards and it will be abandoned along with internet explorer support. It’s because internet explorer is last browser that is not supporting custom components and slots inside html.
  • 1
    @Stark Well tbf... those employers probably want you to be familiar with it because they heard it once and hopped onto the hype-train without actually giving it proper consideration (often because the employers are not devs themselves).

    Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good either...
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    All hail WASM!!
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    @Prakash Learning curve like a cliff; doesn’t scale.

    So it’s difficult to use and only works for small to maybe medium sized projects. Anything larger and you’ll run into issues, input lag, etc.
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    @yowhatthefuck Neither are good, mmkay?
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    @Root We need more anarchism...

    Well that's gonna become a shitshow I'd love to watch XD
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    What about Vue? I feels likes Vue didn't get the same attention as react...
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    @sexoverflow if vue is lucky it will be popular enough that people get sick of it.
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    You're correct - but being negative in an interview is rarely a good tactic.
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    omg please jQuery no.
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    Controversial opinion:

    Angular is the best, easiest, and most structured/bomb proof.

    Vue is after because it follows a lot of what Angular does/is.

    React is.. well I'm not a fan of JSX, and I dislike the lack of the separation of concern, and the lack of structure. Oh also the fact that 10 different React Devs do React 10 different ways. Oh and large companies add React into their big monolithic project just to update the header and footer into react. I only know a bit of React because everyone uses it.
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